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Oracle® Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide
10g Release 2 (10.2)

Part Number B25312-01
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5 Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET

This chapter explains how to use Oracle Developer Tools.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Connecting to the Oracle Database

To connect to an Oracle Database from Visual Studio .NET, follow these steps:

  1. Follow instructions in Section "Startinga New Project ". Name the C# project HR_ODT_CS. If starting a VB project, name it HR_ODT_VB.

  2. From the View menu, select Oracle Explorer.

  3. In Oracle Explorer, right-click Data Connections. From the menu, select Add Connection.

    Description of odt01.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt01.gif

    The application opens an Add Connection window.

  4. In the Add Connection window, enter the following information:

    Data source name: Use the Local Database if you are connecting to a database on the same machine. Otherwise, use the alias of the remote database instance.

    Select the Use a specific user name and password option.

    For User name, enter hr.

    For Password, enter hr, or the password that was set when unlocking and setting up the hr account.

    To save the password for future sessions, check the Save password box.

    Ensure that Role is set to Default. This refers to the default roles that have been granted to the user hr.

    The Connection name should be generated automatically from the Data source name and the User name values.

    Click the Apply Filters tab, and check that the HR schema is in the Displayed schemas column. Only the schema objects (tables, views, and so on) from the schemas selected in the Apply Filters tab are displayed when you expand the schema category nodes in the data connection.

    Description of odt02.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt02.gif

    Click the Connection Details tab, and then click Test connection.

    Description of odt03.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt03.gif

    The test should succeed. Click OK.

    If the test fails, it may be due to one or more of the following issues that you must address before proceeding with further steps:

    • The database is not started.

    • The database connectivity is not properly configured.

    • You do not have the correct user name, password, and role.

  5. Oracle Explorer should now contain the hr.(Local Database) connection. Expand the connection to show the contents of the hr schema. You should see Tables, Views, Procedures, Functions, and so on.

    Description of odt04.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt04.gif

Creating a Table and Its Columns

  1. In Oracle Explorer, right-click Tables and select New Relational Table.

    Description of odt05.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt05.gif

    A table design window appears.

  2. In design view, enter DEPENDENTS for Table name.

    Description of odt06.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt06.gif

  3. Add the LASTNAME column. Click the Add button under the Columns area. Under Column Properties, enter Name LASTNAME, Data Type VARCHAR2, and Size 30. Leave all other properties at their default values.

    Description of odt07.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt07.gif

  4. Add the FIRSTNAME column. Click the Add button under the Columns area. Under Column Properties, enter Name FIRSTNAME, Data Type VARCHAR2, and Size 30. Leave all other properties at their default values.

  5. Add the BIRTHDATE column. Click the Add button under the Columns area. Under Column Properties, enter Name BIRTHDATE, Data Type DATE, and leave all other properties at their default values.

  6. Add the RELATIONSHIP column. Click the Add button under the Columns area. Under Column Properties, enter Name RELATIONSHIP, Data Type VARCHAR2, and Size 20. Leave all other properties at their default values.

  7. Add the EMPLOYEEID column. Click the Add button under the Columns area. Under Column Properties, enter Name EMPLOYEEID, Data Type NUMBER, deselect Allow null, enter Precision 6 and Scale 0.

  8. Add the DEPENDENTID column. Click the Add button under the Columns area. Under Column Properties, enter Name DEPENDENTID, Data Type NUMBER, deselect Allow null check box, enter Precision 4 and Scale 0.

  9. Click Preview SQL. The SQL statement for constructing the table, as shown in Example 5-1, appears in the Preview SQL window.

    Example 5-1 Generated SQL Form of the New Table

    Description of odt08.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt08.gif

    Click OK to close the Preview SQL window.

  10. In the table design view, click Save.

Creating a Table Index

Now you must create an index for the DEPENDENTS table.

  1. In the design view, click the Indexes tab.

  2. Click the Add button under the Indexes area. Under Index properties, enter Name DEPENDENTS_INDEX, and leave all other properties in their default state.

    Description of odt09.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt09.gif

  3. In the Index properties area, click Add.

  4. Under Index keys, from the Key column, select DEPENDENTID from the drop-down list.

  5. Click Preview SQL. A Preview SQL window appears, displaying the SQL statement that constructs the index, as shown in Example 5-2.

    Example 5-2 Creating a Table Index in SQL

    Description of odt10.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt10.gif

    Click OK to close the Preview SQL window.

  6. In the table design view, click Save.

Adding Table Constraints

Now you must add constraints to the new table.

  1. To create a foreign key to the EMPLOYEES table, click the Constraints tab. Note that depending on your configuration, there may already be default check constraints in the list.

    Under the Constraints area, click Add.

    Under Constraint Properties, enter Name EMPLOYEES_FK, select Type Foreign Key from the drop-down list, select Table EMPLOYEES and Constraint EMP_EMP_ID_PK.

    Under Association, select EMPLOYEE_ID as Referenced Column and EMPLOYEEID as Local Column.

    Leave all other properties at their default values.

    Description of odt11.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt11.gif

  2. To create a primary key for the new table, DEPENDENTS, under the Constraints area click Add.

    Under Constraint Properties, enter Name DEPENDENTS_PK and select Type Primary Key from the drop-down list.

    Under Constraint Properties, click Add.

    Under Primary Key Columns, select DEPENDENTID. Leave all other properties at their default values.

  3. Click Preview SQL. A Preview SQL window appears. Example 5-3 shows the code generated for constraints on table DEPENDENTS. Note that addition of both constraints is an ALTER TABLE command, because the constraints change the definitions of columns DEPENDENTID and EMPLOYEEID.

    Example 5-3 Adding Foreign Key and Primary Key Constraints to a Table

    Description of odt12.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt12.gif

    Click OK to close the Preview SQL window.

  4. In the table design view, click Save.

    Notice that if you expand the DEPENDENTS table in the Oracle Explorer, all the columns, constraints and indexes of the table are visible.

    Description of odt13.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt13.gif

Adding Data to a Table

You must now add data to the new DEPENDENTS table.

  1. In Oracle Explorer, right-click the DEPENDENTS table and select Retrieve Data.

    Description of odt14.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt14.gif

    A table grid for DEPENDENTS appears in design view.

  2. Enter the four records listed in Table 5-1 into the table grid.

    Table 5-1 New Data for the DEPENDENTS Table


























    Description of odt15.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt15.gif

    Note that the data is automatically saved as you move between rows.

Generating Code Automatically

To explore the content of table DEPARTMENTS, we will build a form that uses a simple table query.

  1. Switch to the Form1 design view (Shift+F7 keyboard shortcut).

  2. In Oracle Explorer, expand Data Connections, expand hr. (Local Database), and finally expand the Tables component.

    Using your mouse, select the DEPARTMENTS table. Drag and drop the table onto Form1 in the Designer window.

    A Microsoft Development Environment pop-up window will ask if you wish to save the connection password in the generated code. While it is not advisable to save connection password within your form in clear text for security reasons, we will do it in this demonstration. Click Yes.

    You will notice that this action creates an OracleConnection object, departmentsOracleConnection1, and an OracleDataAdapter object, departmentsOracleDataAdapter1. Both appear under the Design window.

    These objects represent automatically generated code for Form1.

    Description of odt16.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt16.gif

  3. Right-click the departmentsOracleDataAdapter1, and select Generate DataSet.

    Description of odt17.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt17.gif

  4. The object departments11 is now added to your Design window.

    Description of odt19.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt19.gif

  5. From the Toolbox, under Window Forms, select DataGrid and drag it onto Form1.

    Description of odt20.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt20.gif

    Enlarge both Form1 and the DataGrid.

  6. Right-click the DataGrid and select Properties.

  7. In the Properties window, under Data, set the DataSource parameter to departments11.Departments from the drop-down list.

    Close the Properties window.

    The DataGrid now contains the column headings from the table DEPARTMENTS.

    Description of odt21.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt21.gif

  8. Switch to code view by using the F7 keyboard shortcut.

  9. Immediately after the InitializeComponent(); command, add the code in Example 5-4 or Example 5-5.

    Example 5-4 Filling Data into the Form: C#


    Example 5-5 Filling Data into the Form: VB

    Description of odt22.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt22.gif

  10. Run the application (use the F5 keyboard shortcut).

    Description of odt23.gif follows
    Description of the illustration odt23.gif

    You may need to increase the width of the columns to see all the data.

  11. You can navigate across data returned by the application by clicking the mouse down the data set; the current record will be marked by the cursor.

    You can also sort the records, either in ascending or descending order, on any of the columns, by clicking on the column heading (notice the direction indicator in the DEPARTMENT_NAME column).

    Description of Browse19.gif follows
    Description of the illustration Browse19.gif

  12. Close the application.

Enabling Database Updates

  1. From Section "Using theDataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET", follow Steps 6 through 9 to create a Save button.

  2. Double-click Save.

    The code view appears, with focus on the new and empty save_Click() method.

  3. Change the code of the save_Click() method to bind the table update event to the button, as shown in Example 5-6 and Example 5-7.

    Example 5-6 The save_Click() Method: C#

    private void save_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

    Example 5-7 The save_Click() Method: VB

    Private Sub save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
      ByVal e As System.EventArgs)  Handles Save.Click
    End Sub
  4. Run the application (F5 keyboard shortcut).

    Your Form1 application window should appear.

  5. To use the application, follow the instructions in Section "Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data".