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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Upgrade Guide
10g Release 1 ( for Microsoft Windows

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8 Upgrading the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository

This chapter explains how to upgrade the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository. The major steps in upgrading the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository are described in the following sections:


The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant is not shipped with Oracle Collaboration Suite and later. You can download from the following URL:

Search for the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant and Utilities option.

8.1 Upgrading the Database That Hosts the OracleAS Metadata Repository

Before you can upgrade the OracleAS Metadata Repository, you must be sure the database that hosts the repository is upgraded to a version supported by Oracle Database 10g ( This is also the version of the database that Oracle Universal Installer creates and configures when you install a new Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure 10.1.2 using the Identity Management and Collaboration Suite Database or Collaboration Suite Database installation type.

Similarly, this is the version of the database that results when you use Oracle Universal Installer to upgrade a Oracle9iAS Infrastructure database.

8.1.1 Determining Your Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository Database Upgrade Path

Depending on your Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository configuration, you may need to upgrade the database that hosts the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository:

  • If your Oracle Collaboration Suite environments uses a single Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository and your Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier applications share a Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository with Oracle Internet Directory, then your Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database was upgraded as part of the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgraded. This is true whether your Oracle9iAS Infrastructure was distributed or non-distributed.

    You do not need to upgrade the database in this case.

  • Your environment uses a distributed Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository where Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier applications use their own Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository.

    In this case, you need to upgrade the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure where the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository is configured before the middle tier upgrade as described in Section 4.3.3.

8.1.2 Relocating the Database Datafiles, Control Files, and Log Files

By default, after you upgrade your database, the datafiles, control files, and log files associated with the database remain in their original location. For example, if you used Oracle Universal Installer to upgrade a OracleAS Metadata Repository database, the datafiles for the OracleAS Metadata Repository database remain in the source Oracle home.

As a result, Oracle recommends that you relocate these files as a safeguard against inadvertently deleting them (for example, by deleting or decommissioning the entire source Oracle home directory tree). In addition, there may be performance benefits to moving the database files outside of the source Oracle home.

See Also:

"Creating Additional Copies, Renaming, and Relocating Control Files" in Chapter 5 of Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for instructions.

8.1.3 Configuring Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control

The Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control provides a Web-based console you can use to manage Oracle Database 10g. When your OracleAS Metadata Repository is installed in an Oracle Database 10g instance, you can use the Database Control to manage your OracleAS Metadata Repository database.

However, after you use Oracle Universal Installer to upgrade your OracleAS Metadata Repository database to Oracle Database 10g (, the Database Control is not configured automatically. Instead, if you want to use the Database Control to manage your upgraded OracleAS Metadata Repository database, you must configure the Database Control manually using the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant (EMCA).

See Also:

"Configuring the Database Control with EMCA" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration

8.2 Backing Up the OracleAS Metadata Repository Before Upgrade

Before you begin upgrading your OracleAS Metadata Repository installation, perform a backup of the OracleAS Metadata Repository Oracle home, and perform a backup of the database that hosts the OracleAS Metadata Repository schemas.

See Also:

Section 2.3.2 for information on backup strategies for the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository.

8.3 Special Considerations When Upgrading the OracleAS Portal and Oracle Ultra Search Schemas

The following sections describe special instructions to consider before using MRUA to upgrade the Oracle9iAS Portal, Oracle9iAS Wireless, and Oracle Ultra Search schemas in the OracleAS Metadata Repository:

8.3.1 Special Instructions Before Upgrading the Oracle9iAS Portal Schemas

The following instructions describe required tasks you must perform before upgrading the Oracle9iAS Portal schemas in the OracleAS Metadata Repository: Installing the OracleAS Portal 10g (9.0.4) Repository Upgrade Software

If you are using OracleAS Portal, then you must perform the following task before running MRUA.

This procedure installs a required patch in the Oracle home of the database that contains the Oracle9iAS Portal schemas:

  1. Log in to the computer where your OracleAS Metadata Repository or Oracle9iAS Portal repository is installed.

    Be sure to log in as the same user who installed the repository.

  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the database Oracle home for the OracleAS Metadata Repository or Oracle9iAS Portal repository.

  3. Run the Oracle Universal Installer to copy the Portal upgrade scripts to the Oracle home using this command:


    Table 8-1 describes the options you should select on each screen of the Oracle Universal Installer.

    The installation procedure creates the following directory in the Oracle home:


    It contains the programming code originally required to upgrade your repository from version 9.0.2 to version 10g (9.0.4). These files will automatically be used as part of the repository upgrade to Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).

    Table 8-1 Summary the Oracle Universal Installer Screens When Installing the OracleAS Portal 10g (9.0.4) Repository Upgrade Patch

    Screen Description and Recommended Options to Select


    Welcomes you to Oracle Universal Installer.

    Specify File Locations

    In the Source field, specify the complete path to the products.xml file that was included in the download for Patch 4045812 or the products.jar file that was included in the download for Patch 2778342.

    For example, if you unzipped the downloaded file into your D:\downloads\portal_patch directory, you would enter the following in the Source field.

    • For Patch 4045812:

    • For Patch 2778342:


    In the Destination fields, enter the name and path to the database Oracle home that hosts your OracleAS Portal repository.


    Use this screen to confirm the choices you've made. Click Install to begin installing the patch.

    End of Installation

    This screen appears when the installation is complete.

    Click Exit to quit Oracle Universal Installer.

8.3.2 Preparing to Upgrade the Oracle Ultra Search Component Schema

If you are using Oracle Ultra Search, log in to the Oracle Ultra Search administration tool and stop and disable all crawler synchronization schedules in every Oracle Ultra Search instance before you run MRUA.

After you run MRUA, you can enable all crawler synchronization schedules.

See Also:

Oracle Ultra Search Administrator's Guide

8.4 Using the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant (MRUA)

After you have upgraded the middle tiers that depend upon this OracleAS Metadata Repository and after you have upgraded the database to a supported version, you can then use OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the application server component schemas in the OracleAS Metadata Repository.


The OracleAS Metadata Repository contains schemas for all the Oracle Application Server Release 2 (9.0.2) components. However, only a subset of those component schemas must be updated by MRUA. Other schemas, such as the Oracle Internet Directory and OracleAS Single Sign-On component schemas, are upgraded during the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade. Still others do not require any upgrade from previous versions.

Also, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority is an OracleAS Identity Management component, but its schemas are upgraded by MRUA.

The following sections describe how to use MRUA to upgrade your component schemas:

8.4.1 Stopping All Middle Tier Instances That Use the OracleAS Metadata Repository

Before you use MRUA, you must stop all processes associated with each Application tier that uses the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

Note that at this point in the upgrade process, as a prerequisite for running MRUA, all the existing middle tier instances should have been upgraded to Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications 10g Release 1 (10.1.2).

You can list the Applications tier instances that use the OracleAS Metadata Repository by using the following Distributed Configuration Management command:

METADATA_REPOSITORY_ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl listinstances

See Also:

Distributed Configuration Management Administrator's Guide for more information about dcmctl commands

To stop all the processes in a 10g (10.1.2) middle tier, use the Services Control panel to stop the ProcessControl service.

8.4.2 Verifying That the Oracle Internet Directory and Database Processes Are Running

Before you use MRUA, make sure that the following processes are up and running:

  • The database that hosts the OracleAS Metadata Repository

  • The database listener for the OracleAS Metadata Repository database

  • The upgraded Oracle Internet Directory instance where the OracleAS Metadata Repository database is registered

Log in to the Application Server Control Console to verify that the necessary processes are running and that the required components are configured properly. For example, you can use the Application Server Control Console to verify that the Farm page displays correctly and that the Oracle Internet Directory and OracleAS Single Sign-On components are up and running.

From the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page in the Application Server Control Console, click Ports to view a list of the ports currently in use by the application server instance, and to verify that the components are configured properly.

8.4.3 Running the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant (MRUA)

After you have upgraded the OracleAS Metadata Repository database, backed up the database, and stopped the dependent Application tier instances, you can use MRUA to upgrade the component schemas in the OracleAS Metadata Repository, which now reside in the upgraded database.


Log in to the computer where the OracleAS Metadata Repository is running as the same user who installed the OracleAS Metadata Repository. Run MRUA on the computer that hosts the OracleAS Metadata Repository that you are about to upgrade.

To run MRUA:

  1. Mount the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant and Utilities CD–ROM.

    The MRUA and Utilities CD–ROM is part of the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.2) CD–ROM Pack that you receive when you order the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.2) software.

  2. Start MRUA by entering the following command, with the following required arguments, which are described in Table 8-2:

    -oracle_home metadata_repository_oracle_home 
    -oid_host Oracle_Internet_Directory_host
    -oid_ssl_port Oracle_Internet_Directory_SSL_port

    Table 8-2 Summary of the Required MRUA Command Line Arguments

    Argument Description


    The Oracle home of the database hosting the OracleAS Metadata Repository. database home directory. This is the destination Oracle home where you installed the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure as part of the Infrastructure upgrade, not the source, 9.0.x Oracle home. The upgraded database points to the existing schemas used by the middle tiers of previous release.


    The name of the computer that hosts the Oracle Internet Directory where the OracleAS Metadata Repository is registered.


    The secure port for the Oracle Internet Directory. For the purposes of upgrading the OracleAS Metadata Repository, you must use a secure connection to the Oracle Internet Directory.


    The value of the -oid_host argument and -oid_ssl_port arguments must match the value of the corresponding properties defined in following configuration file in the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure Oracle home:

    For example:

  3. When you are prompted, enter the password for the database SYS user account.

    MRUA needs the SYS password so it can access and modify the component schemas in the database.

  4. When you are prompted, enter the Oracle Internet Directory cn=orcladmin administrator password.

    MRUA needs the Oracle Internet Directory password to connect to the Oracle Internet Directory in which the OracleAS Metadata Repository is registered.

    After you provide the required passwords, MRUA checks to be sure the Oracle Internet Directory is running and does one of the following:

    • If Oracle Internet Directory is down or unavailable, MRUA displays an error message and exits.

    • If Oracle Internet Directory is up and running, MRUA connects to the directory service and obtains additional information required to upgrade the component schemas.

    • If multiple instances of the OracleAS Metadata Repository are registered with the directory, MRUA prompts you to select the OracleAS Metadata Repository you want to upgrade.

      You can upgrade only one OracleAS Metadata Repository at a time. You must select the OracleAS Metadata Repository on your local machine that corresponds to the value of the -oracle_home parameter.

  5. If you are prompted to select a OracleAS Metadata Repository, select the OracleAS Metadata Repository you want to upgrade.

    MRUA starts the upgrade process. As each step in the upgrade is executed, information messages appear on the screen to show the progress of the upgrade.

    Example 8-1 shows an example of a typical MRUA upgrade session.

Example 8-1 Sample Output from an MRUA Session

mrua.bat -oracle_home D:\oracle10g -oid_host -oid_ssl_port 3130

Running on Windows

OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant

Enter the password for SYS:
Enter the password for cn=orcladmin:

Upgrading the OracleAS Metadata Repository to release

Calling upgrade plugin for MRUA
Component  upgraded successfully MRUA

Calling upgrade plugin for UDDI
Component  upgraded successfully UDDI

Calling upgrade plugin for WCS
Component  upgraded successfully WCS

Calling upgrade plugin for OCA
Component  upgraded successfully OCA

Calling upgrade plugin for ULTRASEARCH
Component  upgraded successfully ULTRASEARCH

Calling upgrade plugin for WIRELESS
Component  upgraded successfully WIRELESS

Calling upgrade plugin for WORKFLOW
Component  upgraded successfully WORKFLOW

Calling upgrade plugin for PORTAL
Component  upgraded successfully PORTAL

Calling upgrade plugin for DISCOVERER
Component  upgraded successfully DISCOVERER

Calling upgrade plugin for B2B
Component  upgraded successfully B2B

Calling upgrade plugin for MRC
Component  upgraded successfully MRC

SUCCESS: All OracleAS plug-ins report successful upgrade


8.4.4 Example Execution Times for the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant

The time required to run MRUA will vary, depending upon your hardware and the amount of data in your OracleAS Metadata Repository. However, testing of MRUA has shown the following typical execution times on the following hardware and software platforms:

  • 1 hour, 40 minutes on a Sun UltraSPARC 60, dual CPU, running Solaris 2.9

  • 45 minutes on a 2.4GHz Pentium 4, running Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

See Section 2.6 for more information.

8.4.5 Reviewing the MRUA Log Files

When you run MRUA, the utility generates a set of log files that you can use to troubleshoot, verify, or analyze the OracleAS Metadata Repository upgrade process. Guidelines for Using the MRUA Log Files

If the MRUA output indicates that one or more of the component upgrades failed, review the MRUA log files, or any component log files referenced from the MRUA log files.

If the OracleAS Portal upgrade fails, then see Section 8.4.6 for information on how to proceed.

Otherwise, refer to Appendix D for information about specific component error messages you might find in the log files.

If, by reviewing the log files and troubleshooting information, you are able to identify a solution to the upgrade failure, you can implement your solution and then rerun MRUA. When you rerun MRUA, any components that were upgraded successfully during the previous run will not be affected. However, MRUA will attempt to upgrade any components that were not upgraded successfully during a previous run of the utility.

Contact Oracle Support for any errors that are not documented or that cannot be resolved by following documented actions. Note that some errors that occur will require the repository to be restored from backup, the problem to be resolved, and another upgrade to be run. Locating the MRUA Log Files

The log files are located in the following directory in the Oracle home of the OracleAS Metadata Repository you are upgrading:


MRUA generates three log files that are of particular interest when you are troubleshooting upgrade issues. The name of the log file includes the exact time the MRUA session was run. This makes it easy to identify a log file for a particular MRUA session.

For example, the three log files generated when you run MRUA at 12:36 PM on September 16, 2004 would appear as follows in the logs directory:


Table 8-3 shows the three log file types and the content you can expect to find in each one.

Table 8-3 Summary of the Log Files Generated by MRUA

MRUA Log File Description

The log file is a good place to start if you are troubleshooting a particular problem with the OracleAS Metadata Repository upgrade. This file contains a high-level summary of all the actions performed by MRUA; as a result, it can help you isolate a specific component that was not upgraded successfully.


The error file contains any errors or stack traces generated during the upgrade process. These errors should contain information that help you diagnose and address specific upgrade errors.


The output file is the largest of the three MRUA log files and it contains the most comprehensive data about the MRUA session. Use this log file to determine exactly when a particular problem occurred to and see the output generated by the MRUA subcomponents.

8.4.6 Reviewing the OracleAS Portal Repository Upgrade Log Files

This section provides information about the OracleAS Portal upgrade log files. If the OracleAS Portal upgrade fails, carefully review this section in its entirety before attempting to troubleshoot the upgrade failure.

Note that if the OracleAS Portal components were upgraded to 10g (10.1.2) successfully, then there is no need to examine the log files.

The OracleAS Portal upgrade is made up of two underlying paths:

  • Oracle Application Server Release 2 (9.0.2) to Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) as described in Section 8.3.1.

  • Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) to Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) (which uses software included in the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant and Utilities CD–ROM)

Each of these two paths generates its own set of log files and temporary directories. When upgrading from Release 2 (9.0.2) to 10g (10.1.2) in a single step, log files for both paths are created.

When upgrading OracleAS Portal by running MRUA, the log files are generated into a single directory:


Any already existing log files in the relevant directory will be renamed to include a time stamp, so that they are not overwritten.

Table 8-4 Summary of the Repository Upgrade Log Files Generated by OracleAS Portal

Log File Description


The log file generated by the 9.0.4 to 10.1.2 OracleAS Portal upgrade. This file will always be generated if the starting version is 10g (9.0.4), as long as the checks performed at the beginning of the upgrade succeed.

It will also be generated when the starting version is Release 2 (9.0.2), as long as the 9.0.2 to 9.0.4 portion of the upgrade succeeds. If this file exists and has an "Upgrade completed successfully" message at the end, the upgrade was successful, regardless of the starting version.


The log file generated for the checks performed before the 9.0.4 to 10.1.2 upgrade. This file is generated before the script begins making modifications to the repository, or when a manual upgrade from 10g (9.0.4) is run in -precheck mode.

This file will always be generated if the starting version is 10g (9.0.4). It will not be generated if the starting version is Release 2 (9.0.2); precheck902.log is generated in this case instead. If there are errors in precheck.log, the 9.0.4 to 10.1.2 upgrade will not run and the upgrade.log file will not be generated.


The log file generated by the 9.0.2 to 9.0.4 OracleAS Portal upgrade. This file will always be generated if the starting version is Release 2 (9.0.2), as long as the checks performed at the beginning of the upgrade succeed.

It will not be generated if the starting version is 10g (9.0.4) or if there are errors in precheck902.log. If there are errors in upgrade902.log, the 9.0.4 to 10.1.2 upgrade will not run and the upgrade.log file will not be generated.


The log file generated for the checks performed before the 9.0.2 to 9.0.4 upgrade begins making modifications to the repository, or when a manual upgrade from 9.0.2 is run in -precheck mode.

This file will always be generated if the starting version is Release 2 (9.0.2). It will not be generated if the starting version is 10g (9.0.4); precheck.log is generated in this case instead. If there are errors in this file, none of the other log files will be generated.

At the end of each one of these log files, there is either a success message or a summary of all the errors that occur earlier in the file. These summary messages include references to line numbers. You can go to those lines earlier in the log file to see the errors in their context.


Any portals running after an upgrade that was not clean are not supported by Oracle.

Looks up any errors found in the log files using Section D.6.2. Resolve any errors and warnings that have documented actions. Any errors that occur after the precheck phase require the repository to be restored from backup, the problem resolved and another upgrade run. Contact Oracle Support for any errors that are not documented or that cannot be resolved by following documented actions. When undocumented errors are found, do not attempt to run the upgrade again, run any further steps, alter any files, modify the OracleAS Portal schema, or access the OracleAS Portal instance in your browser.

The following is an example of the end of the log file after a successful upgrade (note the "Upgrade completed successfully" message and the lack of error messages):

>>> Running upg/common/
### Upgrade completed successfully
>>> Running tmp/popinv.sql
Portal SQL script started at Thu Apr 22 20:56:23 2004
Updating patch inventory.
Upgrade Ended at Thu Apr 22 20:56:24 2004

8.4.7 Using a SQL Query to Verify the Success of the OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade

Besides the MRUA log files, you can optionally query the database to verify the success of the OracleAS Metadata Repository upgrade. Specifically, you can use a SQL command to view the status of each component schema that MRUA upgrades.


The OracleAS Metadata Repository contains schemas for all the Oracle Application Server Release 2 (9.0.2) components. However, only a subset of those component schemas must be updated by MRUA. Other schemas, such as the Oracle Identity Management schemas, are upgraded during the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation. Still others, do not require any upgrade from previous versions.

To see the current status of each component schema in the repository that is upgraded by MRUA:

  1. Connect to the OracleAS Metadata Repository database.

    For example:

    METADATA_REPOSITORY_ORACLE_HOME\bin\sqlplus "connect / as sysdba"
  2. When prompted, enter the SYS password.

  3. Enter the following SQL command to verify the status of the component schemas:

    SELECT comp_id,version,status FROM APP_REGISTRY;

    Refer to the following example and tables for an explanation of the output of the query:

    • Example 8-2 shows an example of the output displayed from the component schema SQL query.

    • Table 8-5 describes the possible values in the COMP_ID column of the SQL query results.

    • Table 8-6 describes the possible values in the STATUS column of the SQL query results.

    Example 8-2 Sample Output of the Component Schema SQL Query

    prompt> SELECT comp_id,version,status FROM APP_REGISTRY;
    COMP_ID                        VERSION                         STATUS
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------
    WIRELESS                                  VALID
    PORTAL                                    VALID
    WCS                                       VALID
    DISCOVERER                                VALID
    MRUA                                      VALID
    B2B                                       VALID
    WORKFLOW                                  VALID
    OCA                                       VALID
    UDDI                                      VALID
    MRC                                       VALID
    10 rows selected.

    Table 8-5 Component IDs in the OracleAS Metadata Repository

    Component ID Description


    OracleAS Wireless


    Oracle Application Server Portal


    Oracle Application Server Web Clipping


    Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence Discoverer


    Oracle Application Server Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant


    Oracle Application Server Integration B2B


    Oracle Workflow


    Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority


    Oracle Application Server UDDI Registry


    Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Container

    Table 8-6 Component Status Indicators in the OracleAS Metadata Repository

    Status Description


    MRUA has begun creating the component database objects, but not all the component objects are created and loaded into the database.


    MRUA has created all the component database objects and loaded them into the database. MRUA can now begin upgrading the component schemas.


    MRUA has begun upgrading the schemas for this component, but the upgrade is not complete.


    MRUA has finished upgrading the schemas for this component.


    The component schemas have been upgraded and are valid. This is the expected status after a successful upgrade to Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).


    The component schemas have been upgraded, but the database component schemas are invalid. This state can be caused by a non-recoverable error or invalid data.

    See Section 6.4.6 for information about reviewing the MRUA log files.

8.5 Completing the OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade for OracleAS Portal and OracleAS Wireless

The following sections describe the tasks to perform after running MRUA to upgrade your OracleAS Metadata Repository component schemas:

8.5.1 Completing the Oracle9iAS Portal Schema Upgrade Process

The following sections describe how to complete the upgrade of the Oracle9iAS Portal schema: Reconfiguring OracleAS Portal to Work with Oracle Internet Directory and OracleAS Single Sign-On

Follow these steps to reconfigure OracleAS Portal for Oracle Internet Directory and OracleAS Single Sign-On:

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the destination middle tier Oracle home.

  2. Change directory to the following location in the destination middle tier Oracle home:

  3. Run the following command:

    ptlconfig.bat -dad portal_DAD

    In this command, portal_DAD is the DAD of the OracleAS Portal repository that you just upgraded.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide for more information about the ptlconfig tool Starting all Applications Tiers That Use The Upgraded Portal Instance

After the script has executed successfully, start each Applications tier that is using the upgraded Portal instance. Moving the Portlet Repository to the New Format (Optional)

By default, the portlet repository is upgraded in-place in the OracleAS Portal schema. The existing pages, templates, items, and so on, in the portlet repository are upgraded, and the new portlets are added into the repository. Since the old settings are preserved, the pages look very similar to the way they did before the upgrade was run.


If your starting version is Oracle9iAS Portal 9.0.2 and you had rendered the Portlet Repository as grouped by Provider names, then after the upgrade, the folders in the repository will be grouped by category, because the Group by Provider Name option has been deprecated since OracleAS 10g (9.0.4).

To create a similar organization, assign the portlet names to categories representing the Provider names.

If you want the repository to have the appearance of a newly installed instance, a script is available to re-create the upgraded portlet repository. The script removes the existing portlet repository and re-creates it. Use the script only if you do not wish to preserve customizations, settings, styles, banners, and so on in the portlet repository.

To re-create the portlet repository, follow these steps after starting the Applications tiers as described in Section

  1. Perform a backup of the database, since the script overwrites the repository and is not reversible.

  2. Navigate to the following directory on the OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant and Utilities CD–ROM, which contains the prrpplc.sql script:

  3. Log in to the OracleAS Metadata Repository database as Portal schema user from SQL*Plus.

  4. Run the prrplc.sql script with no arguments. Accessing the Upgraded OracleAS Portal

If there were no errors in the OracleAS Portal Repository upgrade, you can access your upgraded Portal. Open a browser and navigate to the following URL:


For example: Impact of Shutting Down the OracleAS Metadata Repository Database on OracleAS Portal Oracle Text Indexes

Missing Oracle Text indexes are created during the OracleAS Portal upgrade process, but they are not populated, as this can be very time consuming. The new indexes are populated once the upgrade is complete, when the next synchronization job is scheduled.

If you need to shut down the database after the upgrade (to back up) and the Oracle Text index synchronization job has started, consider the impact of the following shutdown commands on the synchronization process:

  • Shutdown Immediate or Abort

    The indexing job stops immediately and is rolled back.

  • Shutdown Normal

    Entire indexing job finishes before the database shuts down.

  • Shutdown Transactional

    Synchronization of the current index is allowed to finish before the database shuts down. If one or more indexes still need to be synchronized, synchronization of the next index is not started.

8.6 Starting the Application Tiers That Use the OracleAS Metadata Repository

After you complete the OracleAS Metadata Repository upgrade process, you can start the Applications tiers associated with the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

8.7 Performing a Backup of the Newly Upgraded OracleAS Metadata Repository

After you have upgraded the OracleAS Metadata Repository and verified that it is working successfully with the Applications tier installations and Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure, consider a full backup of the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

A full backup of the newly upgraded OracleAS Metadata Repository will provide you with the ability to restore your environment to this newly upgraded state and avoid the prospect of having to perform the upgrade procedures a second time to return to this state.

See Also:

for information about the Backup and Recovery Tool, see Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide.

8.8 Completing the Upgrade of Oracle Collaborative Portlets

Perform this step if you received a warning to run the Oracle Collaborative Portlets Configuration Assistant manually during the middle tier upgrade.

To run the Oracle Collaborative Portlets Configuration Assistant, enter the following command on all middle tiers including the system running the upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications:

ORACLE_HOME/ocsprovs/bin/ocsprovs_installer.bat  -mode complete -ouser cn=orcladmin -opass oid_admin_password  -ipass ias_admin_password
