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Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
10g (

Part Number B15991-01
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32 Oracle Internet Directory Server Plug-in Framework

This chapter describes how you can extend the capabilities of the Oracle directory server by using plug-ins developed by either Oracle Corporation or third-party vendors. As of 10g (, Oracle Internet Directory supports plug-ins in Java as well as in PL/SQL.

This chapter contains these topics:

32.1 About Directory Server Plug-ins

Directory server plug-ins can provide the directory server with the following kinds of added functionality, to mention just a few:

On startup, the directory server loads your plug-in configuration and library. Then, when it processes requests, it calls your plug-in functions whenever the specified event takes place.

In Figure 32-1, LDAP clients, each using a separate application, send information to and receive it from the Oracle directory server. Plug-in configuration tools likewise send information to the directory server. The directory server sends data to Plug-in Module 1, Plug-in Module 2, and Plug-in Module 3. Each plug-in module has both a plug-in module interface and plug-in logic. Each plug-in module sends information to and receives it from the LDAP API and the Plug-in LDAP.

Figure 32-1 Oracle Internet Directory Plug-in Framework

This illustration is described in the text.

The work that plug-ins perform depends on whether they execute before, after, or in addition to normal directory server operations. The next section explains the various kinds of operation-based plug-ins.

32.2 LDAP Operations and Timings Supported by the Directory

The Oracle Internet Directory server supports plug-ins for the following LDAP operations:

Oracle Internet Directory supports four operation timings for plug-ins:

These are explained in the next four sections.

32.2.1 Pre-Operation Server Plug-ins

The server calls pre-operation plug-in modules before performing the LDAP operation. The main purpose of this type of plug-in is to validate data before the data is used in the LDAP operation.

When an exception occurs in the pre-operation plug-in, one of the following occurs:

  • When the return error code indicates warning status, the associated LDAP request proceeds.

  • When the return code indicates failure status, the request does not proceed.

If the associated LDAP request fails later on, the directory does not roll back the committed code in the plug-in modules.

32.2.2 Post-Operation Server Plug-ins

The Oracle Internet Directory server calls post-operation plug-in modules after performing an LDAP operation. The main purpose of this type of plug-in is to invoke a function after a particular LDAP operation is executed. For example, logging and notification are post-operation plug-in functions.

When an exception occurs in the post-operation plug-in, the associated LDAP operation is not rolled back.

If the associated LDAP request fails, the post plug-in is still executed.

32.2.3 When-Operation Server Plug-ins

The directory calls when-operation plug-in modules while performing standard LDAP operations. A when-operation plug-in executes immediately before the server's own code for the operation. The main purpose of this type of plug-in is to augment existing operations within the same LDAP transaction. If the when-operation plug-in fails, the standard LDAP operation does not execute. If the when-operation plug-in completes successfully, but the standard LDAP operation fails, then the changes made in the plug-in are not rolled back.

You can, for example, use a when-operation plug-in with the ldapcompare operation. The directory executes its server compare code and executes the plug-in module defined by the plug-in developer.

PL/SQL when-operation plug-ins are supported in ldapadd, ldapdelete, and ldapmodify. Java when_operation plug-ins are supported in ldapadd, ldapdelete, ldapmoddn, ldapmodify, and ldapsearch.

32.2.4 When_Replace-Operation Server Plug-ins

A when_replace-operation plug-in executes instead of the server's code for the operation. You can, for example, use a when_replace plug-in with the ldapcompare operation. The directory does not execute its compare code. Instead it relies on the plug-in module to perform the comparison.

PL/SQL when_replace-operation plug-ins are supported only in ldapadd, ldapcompare, ldapdelete, ldapmodify, and ldapbind.

Java when_replace-operation plug-ins are supported in ldapadd, ldapbind, ldapcompare, ldapdelete, ldapmoddn, ldapmodify and ldapsearch.

32.3 Creating Plug-ins

The plug-in framework is the environment in which you develop, configure, and apply the plug-ins. Each individual plug-in instance is called a plug-in module.

The plug-in framework includes the following:

For both languages, you follow these general steps to use the server plug-in framework:

  1. Write a user-defined plug-in procedure in PL/SQL or Java.

  2. Compile the plug-in module.

  3. Register the plug-in module through the configuration entry interface by using either the command line or Oracle Directory Manager.

Creating a PL/SQL plug-in module is like creating a PL/SQL package. Both have a specification part and a body part. The directory, not the plug-in, defines the plug-in specification because the specification serves as the interface between Oracle Internet Directory and the custom plug-in.

For security reasons and for the integrity of the LDAP server, you can compile PL/SQL plug-ins only in the ODS database schema. You must compile them in the database that serves as the backend database of Oracle Internet Directory.

Before you compile a Java plug-in, ensure that your CLASSPATH is set to $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/jlib/ospf.jar.

32.4 Registering and Managing Plug-ins

To enable the directory server to call a plug-in at the right moment, you must register the plug-in with the directory server. Do this by creating a configuration entry for the plug-in under cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry. This plug-in must have orclPluginConfig as one of its object classes.

See Also:

for information about the attributes in the orclPluginConfig object class

This section contains these topics:

32.4.1 Registering and Managing Plug-ins by Using Oracle Directory Manager

This section provides examples of how to create, modify, and delete plug-in configuration entries by using Oracle Directory manager. Adding a Plug-in Configuration Entry by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To register a plug-in:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Plug-in Management. The Plug-in Management window appears in the right pane.

  3. Choose Create. The New Plug-in dialog box appears.

  4. In the New Plug-in dialog box, Mandatory Properties tab page and Optional Properties tab page, enter values in the fields. These fields are described in Table A-15 and Table A-16.

  5. When you have finished entering the values, choose OK. This returns you to the Plug-in Management window. The plug-in you just created is listed in the Plug-in Entry Name column.

  6. Choose OK. Editing a Plug-in by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To edit a plug-in entry:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Plug-in Management. The Plug-in Management window appears in the right pane.

  3. In the right pane, select the name of the plug-in entry you want to edit, then choose Edit. The Plug-in: dialog box appears.

  4. In the Plug-in: dialog box, Mandatory Properties tab page and Optional Properties tab page, modify the values in the appropriate fields. These fields are described in Table A-17 and Table A-18. To add attributes not shown on the Mandatory Properties tab page or Optional Properties tab page, use the Advanced tab page, described in Table A-19.

  5. Choose OK. Deleting a Plug-in by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To delete a plug-in:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Plug-in Management. The Plug-in Management window appears in the right pane.

  3. In the right pane, select the name of the plug-in you want to delete, then choose Edit. The Plug-in: dialog box appears.

  4. In the Plug-in dialog box, choose Delete, and, when prompted, confirm your deletion. This returns you to the Plug-in Management window. The plug-in entry you deleted no longer appears in the list.

32.4.2 Registering and Managing Plug-ins by Using Command-Line Tools

This section provides examples of how to create, modify, and delete plug-in configuration entries by using command-line tools.

See Also:

for information about the attributes in the orclPluginConfig object class Example: Adding a Plug-in Configuration Entry by Using Command-Line Tools

To add a plug-in configuration entry from the command line, create an LDIF file containing the plug-in configuration. Specify a DN under cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry.

The following two-part LDIF file, my_ldif_file.ldif, creates an entry for an operation-based plug-in called my_plugin1:

dn: cn=when_comp,cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry
objectclass: orclPluginConfig
objectclass: top
orclPluginName: my_plugin1
orclPluginType: operational
orclPluginTiming: when
orclPluginLDAPOperation: ldapcompare
orclPluginEnable: 1
orclPluginVersion: 1.0.1
orclPluginIsReplace: 1
cn: when_comp
orclPluginKind: PLSQL
orclPluginSubscriberDNList: dc=COM,c=us;dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com;dc=org,dc=us;
orclPluginAttributeList: userpassword

dn: cn=post_mod_plugin, cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry
objectclass: orclPluginConfig
objectclass: top
orclPluginName: my_plugin1
orclPluginType: operational
orclPluginTiming: post
orclPluginLDAPOperation: ldapmodify
orclPluginEnable: 1
orclPluginVersion: 1.0.1
cn: post_mod_plugin
orclPluginKind: PLSQL

Add this file to the directory with a command similar to this:

ldapadd -p 389 -h myhost -D binddn -w password -f my_ldif_file.ldif


The plug-in configuration entry is not replicated. Replicating it would create an inconsistent state. Example: Modifying a Plug-in Configuration Entry by Using Command-Line Tools

This is an example of disabling a plug-in:

ldapmodify -h  host_name -p  port_number -D cn=orcladmin -w orcladminpwd <<EOF
dn: cn=post_mod_plugin,cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry
changetype: modify
replace: orclPluginEnable
orclPluginEnable: 0
EOF Example: Deleting a Plug-in Configuration Entry by Using Command-Line Tools

This is an example of deleting a plug-in:

ldapdelete -h  host_name -p port_number -D cn=orcladmin \
           -w orcladminpwd "cn=post_mod_plugin,cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry"