Programs Provided With the OLAP DML

The following programs are provided with the OLAP DML:

  • ALLCOMPILE which uses the COMPILE command to compile every compilable object in your current analytic workspace, one at a time.

  • ALLSTAT sets the status of all dimensions in the current analytic workspace to the default status list of the dimension.

  • AWDESCRIBE sends information about the current analytic workspace to the current outfile. After a summary page, it provides a report in two parts: An alphabetic list of analytic workspace objects showing name, type, and description; and a DESCRIBE of each object by object type.

  • COPYDFN defines a new object in the analytical workspace by copying the definition from a already-defined object in the current workspace or in an attached workspace.

  • FORECAST.REPORT produces a standard report of a forecast created using the FORECAST command. The report shows the parameters of the forecast, including the forecast formula and Mean Absolute Percent Error, followed by a display of the forecasted values.

  • FULLDSC produces a report that lists the definition of one or more workspace objects, including the properties and triggers of the object(s).

  • ISDATE determines whether a text expression to see if it can be converted to a DATE value It returns YES when the text expression represents a valid date; NO when it does not. (Note that, ISDATE does not actually make the conversion. You must use CONVERT to make the conversion.)

  • LISTBY produces a report of the names of all objects in an analytic workspace that are dimensioned by or related to one or more specified dimensions or composites. You can use LISTBY with a dimension or composite in any attached workspace.

  • LISTNAMES produces a report that lists the names of the objects in an analytic workspace. You can limit the list to particular types of objects, and you can have the names for each type of object listed in alphabetical order.

  • MODEL.COMPRPT produces a report that shows how model equations are grouped into blocks. For step blocks and for simultaneous blocks with a cross-dimensional dependence, the report lists the dimensions involved in the dependence.

  • MODEL.DEPRT produces a report that lists the variables and dimension values on which each model equation depends. When a dependence is dimensional, the report gives the name of the dimension.

  • MODEL.XEQRPT produces a report about the execution of the model. The report specifies the block where the solution failed and shows the values of the model options that were used in solving simultaneous blocks.

  • PAGE, commonly used in report programs or with LISTNAMES, forces a page break in output when PAGING is set to YES. An optional argument to PAGE specifies a conditional page break based on how many lines are left on the page.

  • REGRESS.REPORT produces a standard report of a regression performed using the REGRESS command.

  • STATUS sends to the current outfile the status of one or more dimensions, dimension surrogates, or valuesets, or the status of all dimensions in an analytic workspace.

  • STDHDR generates the standard Oracle OLAP heading at the top of every page of report output.

  • VALSPERPAGE calculates the maximum number of values for a variable of a specified width that will fit on one page. Pages are units of storage in the workspace.

Since the ISDATE and VALSPERPAGE programs are like simple functions because they return a single value, they are documented in alphabetical sequence along with OLAP DML functions in Chapter 7, "OLAP DML Functions: A - K" and Chapter 8, "OLAP DML Functions: L - Z". The other programs provided with the OLAP DML, are documented in alphabetical sequence along with the OLAP DML commands in Chapter 9, "OLAP DML Commands: A-G" and Chapter 10, "OLAP DML Commands: H-Z".