Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Developing a Communications Driver > Adaptive Communications Design >

Adaptive Communications Event and Command Model

Siebel Adaptive Communications, when it is used to write interactive drivers such as those used with CTI middleware, uses the concept of events and commands:

  • A command is a feature of the communications driver that can execute a particular function, such as on an external system like a telephone switch.

    Usually, the command, such as a request from the Siebel client to make a call or send a message, is executed with parameters whose values contain associated data, such as the number to call. The communications driver passes the command and associated data to the communications system for execution.

  • An event is a notification of a communications occurrence that the Siebel client receives from the communications driver along with some data fields—such as notification of an incoming work item, with associated data such as a caller's telephone number (ANI).

For more information about interactive drivers, see Interactive Drivers.

Once you have written a communications driver, you configure Siebel Communications Server, as described in Configuring Session Communications and Configuring Events and Commands.

Events and commands you define in the views in the Administration - Communications screen must be based on what the interactive communications driver supports. Commands, command parameters, events, and event data fields will vary among communications drivers, just as they vary among vendors of communications systems, such as CTI middleware vendors.

You can retrieve driver parameter values from the Siebel Database. Storing the parameters you need in the Siebel Database allows the administrator to set parameter values appropriately for your communications driver.

You can write a communications driver to support the driver parameters you require. If you have created a custom driver to function in place of a Siebel-provided driver, you must then create all the driver parameters in the views in the Administration - Communications screen and assign values to them. If you have created a custom driver as an aggregate driver, to extend a Siebel-provided driver, then you can use parameters defined by Siebel Systems.

The communications driver and the Siebel system software, such as Siebel business services and server components, work together to implement the desired communications behavior for the Siebel application.

Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide