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JavaScript Object Architecture in High Interactivity

JavaScript is an interpreted language running in many Web browsers. It is used to extend browser behavior. Objects representing the applet, business component, business services, and application object types exist in the browser address space as JavaScript objects and provide communication with the server. These object types are the same object types instantiated within the browser. Initially, these objects are passed through to SWE, but provide caching and other local processing. The JavaScript objects are:

  • Browser Applet. Provides a framework for communication and interaction between applet controls.
  • Browser Buscomp. Provides the framework for business component-level interactions. For example, the browser buscomp updates the state of browser applets as values change in the underlying business component (due to parent/child views, calculated values, and specialized behavior).
  • Browser Business Service. Provides a set of methods from customer-defined browser-side scripts, through the invoke-method mechanism. Browser business services can be reused.
  • Browser Application. Provides the application-level framework. Methods that are not business component-specific can be accessed here as well as invoke methods on the server.

You can script instances of browser applets, browser buscomps, browser business services, and browser applications. For more information, see About Scripting and Object Interfaces.

In the diagram in Figure 5, the different boxes represent different components or different parts of the application. Specialized business component logic is shared among all platforms; specialized Web applet logic is shared between all HTML clients; and browser logic is the only part that is browser-specific.

Figure 5.  JavaScript Architecture for High Interactivity
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These browser-side JavaScript objects are maintained in sync with their server-side counterparts, so that changes on the browser or server objects are reflected in their corresponding objects. Application processing is performed among the browser-side objects. Using the remote procedure call protocol, the server is activated when data or new layouts are required from the server. The server can also initiate actions on the browser, using the notifications protocol.

Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications