Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Invoking Siebel Data Quality from External Callers >

Value Match Method

You can use the Value Match method of the DeDuplication business service to find potential matching records in the Siebel application or when you want to prevent duplicate data from getting into the Siebel application through non-UI data streams.


The Value Match method arguments consist of input and output property sets. Table 27 provides the input property sets, and Table 28 provides the output property sets.

CAUTION:  The Value Match property sets are specialized. Do not configure these components.

Table 27. Value Match Input Property Sets


Code Page

Code page.

Optional. Applicable only to SSA.

The value Override can be specified to override the corresponding setting information obtained by the service from the administration screens, user properties, and so on.



Population values.

Search Level

The search level.


The threshold score for a duplicate record. A match is considered only if the score exceeds this value.


BC Name

The name of the matched business component.


Update Modification

If set to N, the match modification date is not updated.

Default = Y.

Use Result Table

If set to N, matches are not added to the result table. Instead, matches are determined by the business service.

Default = Y.


business component field names, value pairs

The matched business component's field name and the corresponding field value. For example:

(Last Name, 'Smith')
(First Name, 'John')
and so on

NOTE:  Each pair must be a child property set of Match Values.

These name-value pairs are used as the matched value rather than the current row ID of the matched business component. The user properties of the matched business component is used to map the business component field names to vendor field names.

1Adapter Settings and Match Values are child property sets of the input property set.

Return Value

For each match, a separate child property set called Match Info is returned in the output with properties specific to the match (such as Matchee Row ID and Score), as well as some general output parameters as shown in Table 28.

CAUTION:  The Value Match property sets are specialized. Do not configure these components.

Table 28. Value Match Output Property Sets
Output Property Set1


Matchee Row Id

The row ID of a matching record.

If you match against existing records, the record ROW_IDs are found and returned in the Match Info property set.


The score of a matching record.



End Time

The run end time.

Applicable only to SSA.


Num Candidates

The total number of potential matches if scores are not used.

Num Results

The number of actual matches.

Row Value

The row ID of the match or matches found.

Start Time

The run start time.

1Match Info is a child property set of the output property set.

Invoked From

Any means by which you can invoke business service methods, such as with Siebel eScript or from a workflow process.


The following is an example of using Siebel eScript to invoke the Value Match method. This script calls the Value Match method to look for duplicates of John Smith from the Contact business component and then returns matches, if any. After the script finishes, determine what you want to do with the duplicate records, that is, either merge or remove them.

function Script_Open ()


TheApplication().TraceOn("sdq.log", "Allocation", "All");
TheApplication().Trace("Start of Trace");

// Create the Input property set and a placeholder for the Output property set
var svcs;
var sInput, sOutput, sAdapter, sMatchValues;
var buscomp;

svcs = TheApplication().GetService("DeDuplication");
sInput = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
sOutput = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
sAdapter = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
sMatchValues = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

// Set Generic Settings input property parameters
sInput.SetProperty("BC Name", "Contact");
sInput.SetProperty("Use Result Table", "N");
sInput.SetType("Generic Settings");

// Set Match Values child input property parameters
sMatchValues.SetProperty("Last Name", "Smith");
sMatchValues.SetProperty("First Name", "John");
sMatchValues.SetType("Match Values");

// Set Adapter Settings child input property parameters
sAdapter.SetProperty("Search Level", "Narrow");
sAdapter.SetProperty("Population", "Default");
sAdapter.SetType("Adapter Settings");

// Invoke the "Value Match" business service
TheApplication().Trace("Property set created, ready to call Match method");
svcs.InvokeMethod("Value Match", sInput, sOutput);

// Get the Output property set and its values
TheApplication().Trace("Value Match method invoked");
var propName = "";
var propVal = "";
propName = sOutput.GetFirstProperty();
while (propName != "")

propVal = sOutput.GetProperty(propName);
propName = sOutput.GetNextProperty()


TheApplication().Trace("End Of Trace");


See Also

For more information about business services and methods, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.