Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Java Message Service Transport > Enabling Authentication and Authorization for the EAI JMS Transport >

Configuring Against BEA WebLogic

The following instructions let you configure the EAI JMS Transport business service against the BEA WebLogic JMS server.

To configure the EAI JMS Transport business service against the BEA WebLogic JMS server

  1. Authorize a user to send from SendQueue using SendUsername and SendPassword.
  2. Authorize a user to receive from ReceiveQueue using ReceiveUsername and ReceivePassword.
  3. Authorize a user to publish and subscribe to and from Topic using TopicUsername and TopicPassword.

    By default, the BEA WebLogic server does not require a username or password to connect to or lookup JNDI objects. If the server does require this, configure the EAI JMS Transport business service following Step 4 and Step 5.

  4. ConnectionUsername and ConnectionPassword are set to a user that can connect to the JMS server, but the user has no privileges for any JMS destinations.

    ConnectionUsername and ConnectionPassword can also be left blank if the JMS server accepts anonymous connections.

  5. If JNDI lookup is protected, then file should contain the and the parameters that are used to perform the JNDI lookup.

    NOTE:  The JNDI principal and credentials are set to a user who can only perform the JNDI lookup, but has no privileges for any JMS destinations.

Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration