Siebel Energy Guide > Oil Well Management >

Setting Up Products for Oil Well Management

Before oil field service administrators can use Well Management to enter information about customers, the Siebel administrator must create products representing wells, leases, and well equipment.

You must set up these products in advance, in order to allow oil field service administrators to enter information about specific customers' leases, wells, and equipment.

For more information about setting up products, see Product Administration Guide.

Setting Up Wells as Products

The Wells Screen displays Products that have the value Well selected in the Type field.

The Siebel administrator must use the Administration - Product screen to create products with the type of Well. Then, when administrators create a new record in the Wells screen, they will be able to choose these produced in the Completion Type/Product field of the Well record.

It is recommended that you create a product with the type of Well for each completion type. Examples of completion types are:

  • Oil well. Used to produce oil.
  • Gas well. Used to produce natural gas.
  • Injection well. Used to inject either gas (such as nitrogen) or water, in order to stimulate production of natural gas or oil.
  • Disposal wells. Used to dispose of water that is produced with oil.

The completion types you use may differ, depending on your business model.

To set up wells as products

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen.
  2. Create a new product, as described in Product Administration Guide.
    1. In the Name field, enter a completion type.

      For example, enter Oil Well or Gas Well.

    2. In the Type field, select Well.
    3. If readings are to be captured on this well, click the More Info view tab, click the Product Measurements link, and click New to associate a measurement type with the well.
  3. Repeat Step 2 to create one product record for each completion type.

Setting Up Leases as Products

A lease typically consists of many wells and the production facilities for these wells. Each lease typically has a set of designated field personnel, including pumpers and a superintendent.

It is recommended that you create a lease by creating a product with the name of Lease and the type of Well. If you do this, oil field services administrators will be able to enter information about new leases in the Wells screen and will be able to attach wells to these leases, as described in Adding New Wells and Equipment. Then end users will be able to use the Wells Explorer to view a hierarchy showing the wells for each lease.

NOTE:  It is also possible to create a different hierarchy. For example, you can choose to organize leases by field. To do this, you can add a product with the name Field and the type Well, and the administrator can attach fields to leases in addition to attaching wells to fields. Then end users will be able to view a three-level hierarchy of fields, the leases in each field, and the wells in each field.

To set up leases as products

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen.
  2. Create a new product, as described in Product Administration Guide.
    1. In the Name field, enter Lease.
    2. In the Type field, select Well.

Setting Up Equipment as Products

It is recommended that you use the same approach to define well equipment as products. For each type of equipment, create a product with the type of Well.

You can create a record for each type of equipment used by your customers that you need to track. This includes surface equipment, such as artificial lifts, tank batteries, and separators, and subsurface equipment and components of the well itself, such as casings, tubing, and the wellhead.

It is recommended that you define most types of equipment as customizable products. Most items of oil field equipment and components have components and attributes that should be recorded. For example, your company may find it useful to capture information about each well casing, such as the casing's Cement Sx or Casing Grade.

You can define customizable products for the different type of oil field equipment and define the appropriate attributes and components for each piece of equipment. Then the oil field service administrators will be able to click the Customize button to specify the attributes or components of the equipment at well sites, as described in Adding New Wells and Equipment. After you have set it up in this way, the attributes for a well or equipment can be viewed in the Attributes view.

To set up equipment as products

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen.
  2. Create a new product, as described in Product Administration Guide.
    1. In the Name field, enter the name of a type of equipment.

      For example, enter Artificial Lift or Casing.

    2. In the Type field, select Well.
    3. If appropriate, set up classes and specify the attributes or components of the product.
  3. Repeat Step 2 to create one product record for each type of equipment that your customers use.
Siebel Energy Guide