Siebel Field Service Guide > Preventive Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance Screen >

Products View

The Products view associates specific products and assets with PM plans. Table 128 describes the check box in the Products view.

Table 128. Item in the Products View

All Assets

A check box that indicates all assets of this product are covered by the PM plan, whether or not they appear in the Assets list.

To cover only the specified assets, make sure that All Assets is not selected.

CAUTION:  You must configure the correct measurement types in the Administration - Product screen for the products covered in the preventive maintenance plan. In the More Info view, select Product Measurements from the visibility filter. If you do not configure measurement types, then Usage and Threshold triggers can cause unpredictable and undesired results. For more information about configuring products, see Product Administration Guide.

If the asset is already associated through the All Assets flag, adding the PM plan as a record has no effect other than to display the relationship.

To perform this procedure, see To associate assets with PM plans.

Assets Subview

The Assets subview lists the assets for each product covered under the PM plan.

Siebel Field Service Guide