Fundamentals > About Records, Fields, and Field Controls >

About the Calendar Control

You use the calendar control, shown in Figure 32, to select date and time information for a field. You access the calendar control by clicking the calendar select button in any date or time field. Table 9 describes each element of the calendar control.

Figure 32. Example of the Calendar Control
Table 9. Description of Calendar Control Elements

Month and Year

Shows the month and year. Use the left and right arrows to navigate to the previous and next month in sequence. Use the drop-down arrow next to the month to select a different month, and use the drop-down arrow next to the year to select a different year.


Shows the calendar for the month. Use the calendar to select a date by clicking the date in the calendar.

Time field

Lets you define the time. You can use the spin control in the field to change the time, or you can type a value. This field appears only if you access the calendar control for a field that requires a time.

Time zone drop-down list

Lets you select a time zone. This field appears only if you access the calendar control for a field that requires a time.

Save button

Lets you save your selections. You can also click outside of the control to save your selections.

Cancel button

Lets you cancel your selections and leave the field blank or left with the values it contained before you accessed the calendar control.
