Siebel Hospitality Guide > Managing Property-Specific Event Quotes >

Using Quote, Function, and Room Block Charts

Siebel Hospitality provides you with the ability to analyze quotes, functions and room blocks using a variety of different chart formats including pie charts and bar charts. Quotes, functions, and room blocks at all stages can be viewed as charts. Information can include definite, lost/turndown, canceled, T1/T2, prospects, actualized, recurring, and host/affiliate quotes, functions, and room blocks.

This task is a step in Process of Managing Property-Specific Event Quotes.

To display charts that analyze quotes

  1. Navigate to the Quotes screen > Quotes List view.
  2. In the Quotes list, query for the records that you want to analyze in a chart.
  3. Click the Charts link.
  4. From the Charts view, select the chart type that you want to view from the list.

    For example, you could select the Account Analysis, Account Discount Analysis, Rep Discount Analysis, Status Analysis by Rep, Room Block Analysis, or Quote Property Analysis chart.

  5. From the Chart Format drop-down list, select the format in which you want to view the analysis.

    For example, you could select 3dBar or 3rd Pie, and so on.

To display charts that analyze functions

  1. Navigate to the Functions screen > Function List view.
  2. In the Functions list, query for the records that you want to analyze in a chart.
  3. Click the Chart link.
  4. Select either the Function Status In Time or Function Type Analysis chart tab.

    For the Function Type Analysis chart, you can view the chart for either Group or Local Business.

  5. Select the frequency (day, week, or month) of the functions from the By: list.
  6. Select the chart format.

    For example, you could select 3dBar, 3d Stacked Bar, and so on.

To display function revenue analysis charts

  1. Navigate to the Functions screen > Function List view.
  2. In the Functions list, query for the required function.
  3. Click the link in the Name field, and then click the Revenue Analysis view tab.
  4. Click either the Parent Revenue Cocreator or Revenue Catered link as required.
  5. Select the chart format from the drop-down list.

    For example, you could select 3dBar, 3d Stacked Bar, and so on.

To display charts that analyze room blocks

  1. Navigate to the Room Blocks screen > Room Blocks List view.
  2. In the Room Blocks list, query for the records that you want to analyze in a chart.
  3. Click the link in the name field, and then click the Room Type Analysis view tab.
  4. From this Charts view, select the chart type that you want to view from the list.

    For example, you could select the Room Type Analysis, Blocked, Picked Up, or Total Group Available chart.

  5. Select the chart format from the drop-down list.

    For example, you could select 3dBar, 3d Stacked Bar, and so on.

  6. Select the frequency (day, week, or month) of the functions from the By: list.
  7. Click Go.

    The required chart is displayed.

Siebel Hospitality Guide