Siebel Hospitality Guide > Managing Property-Specific Event Quotes >

Process of Managing Property-Specific Event Quotes

The following list shows tasks end users typically perform when generating property-specific quotes for an event. Your company may follow a different process according to its business requirements.

End-User Procedures

Perform the tasks in the following procedures to manage quotes:

  1. Generating an Event Quote
  2. Generating Quotes from Opportunities
  3. Generating Quotes from Recurring Events
  4. Generating Quotes from Host-Affiliate Opportunities
  5. Modifying an Event Quote
  6. Changing the Event and Sales Manager for a Quote
  7. Overriding Multiple Event Quotes
  8. Applying a Property-Specific Event Template to a Quote
  9. Adding Details to an Event Quote
  10. Managing Functions Associated with Quotes
  11. Managing Event Room Block Information in Quotes
  12. Reviewing Quote Details
  13. Reviewing Quote Discounts
  14. Reviewing Revenue Estimates for Quote Functions
  15. Reviewing Macro Estimates for Quotes
  16. Viewing the Quote Event Calendar
  17. Using Quote, Function, and Room Block Charts
Siebel Hospitality Guide