Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Designing Marketing Campaign Load Formats > Creating and Testing Campaign Load Formats >

Creating Campaign Load Formats

Before you begin creating campaign load formats, make sure the subject area in the Analytics Administration Tool includes the required fields to load new customers and execute your campaigns. For example, if you are loading contact data, you need to verify that the Subject Area used for the Campaign Load Format includes Contact First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and so on. For more information about creating Subject Areas for list formats, read Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide.

Creating campaign load formats requires that you complete the following tasks that are described in this section:

  • Create a campaign load format and add columns. Campaign load formats have columns that are always required, regardless of the type of customer data such as contacts, accounts, or prospects being loaded.
  • Enable system data expressions for required columns. Several of the required Campaign Contact columns need to be populated with values that are determined by the list generation process at run time. To accomplish this, you set up the Campaign Contact columns to use system data expressions.
  • Supply Integration Ids. Every campaign load format requires an integration ID (referred to as Key 1) that supplies the enterprise-wide ID representing that customer. For example, most corporate data warehouses already have unique customer Ids assigned as the enterprise customer ID. Campaign load expects this column to be included in the campaign history.
  • Requalify list results against original criteria. The members of the campaign load file must be evaluated against the segment criteria when generating the campaign load file. This option limits the information in the list file only to members of the segment (and any Qualified List Items constrained on the segment tree). There is no need to reload the campaign as it picks up the changes in the people who are added to the segment when the campaign is launched.
  • Set options, headers, and footers for campaign load formats. In the header, you can add an integration object name but you should not add a system data expression.

To create a campaign load format and add columns

  1. Using one of the following methods, navigate to the List Designer start page:
    • In the Siebel Marketing application, navigate to Administration - Marketing screen > List Formats.
    • If you log in to the Marketing module directly, click the Marketing screen tab and then click Create a List Format.
  2. From the list of Subject Areas on the right, select a subject area that includes the required columns for your campaign load format.

    The application provides some subject areas for this purpose, including the following:

    • Campaign Load - Contacts
    • Campaign Load - Accounts
    • Campaign Load - Prospects

      NOTE:  Your administrator may have added additional subject areas.

  3. Expand the folders in the selection panel and click each column name to add it to the format.
  4. Verify that you have included the required columns for each integration object and integration component, based on the type of party being loaded (contacts, accounts, or prospects).

    NOTE:  The column label must exactly match the field name of the integration component in the Siebel enterprise application repository (siebel.srf). For information about required integration component fields, read Enabling and Synchronizing Marketing Server Components and Field Names for Marketing Integration Components.

    1. To rename a column label that does not exactly match the field name of the integration component, click the properties button.
    2. Select the Custom Headings option.

      If you use one of the standard subject areas listed in Step 2, the column names matches the field names in the integration components in the Siebel enterprise application.

    3. Enter the necessary table and column heading.

      The table heading should match the integration component name and the column heading should match the field name.

  5. Select the following required columns to add them to the campaign load format:
    1. From the Contact folder, add the Person UId column.
    2. From the Campaign Contact folder, add the following columns:
      • Campaign Id
      • Segment Id
      • Load Number
      • Token Number
      • Scalability Batch Number
      • External Key. The key (or keys) to be mapped depends upon the party being loaded. Table 16 shows the mappings used in the preconfigured reports.
Table 16. External Key Mappings
Type of Party
Party Id
Map to this Column Id


Key 1

Contact Id



Key 1

Contact Id



Key 2

Account Id



Key 3

Prospect Id


To enable system data expressions for required columns

  1. Click the properties button on the column.
  2. In the dialog box, first click the Custom Headings check box.

    This makes sure the table and column name are not changed when you modify the formula in Step 3.

  3. Clear the current formula from the Column Formula box.
  4. Place your cursor in the Column Formula box, then click the Available System Data link.
  5. Select the appropriate system data expression from the following list:
    Corresponding System Data Expression

    Campaign Id

    Campaign Id

    Load Number

    Load Number

    Scalability Batch Number

    Email Batch Number

    Segment Id

    Segment Id

    Token Number

    Token Number

    The expression is added to the formula. For example, the Campaign ID column would show the following formula:


    NOTE:  If you get an error message in the Formula dialog box, ignore the error.

  6. Click OK.

To assign integration Ids

  1. Choose the Column from the Subject Area that provides the Integration ID for the Contacts Target Level.
  2. Select the column in the right pane.
  3. Click the formula button in the column.
  4. Check the Custom Headings box.
  5. Delete the existing formula and replace it with the appropriate value from Table 16.
  6. Click OK.

To requalify list results against original criteria

  1. In the Columns view, in the Filters pane, select the following check box:

    Re-qualify list results against original segment criteria

  2. The following line is automatically added to the filter criteria:

    Re-qualified against original segment criteria

To set options, headers, and footers for campaign load formats

  1. Click the Options tab and select the following options:


    Campaign Load

    (choose format)

    Delimited File

    End of Field Delimiter


    Text Qualifier


    Max # Records


  2. Click the Headers and Footers tab.
  3. Enter the integration object name to load, using the following format (example also shown):

    # integration object name


    # Marketing Contact


    CAUTION:  You should not add additional text or a system data expression to the header. Additionally, do not press enter at the end of the second line. For EAI formatting, there must not be an end-of-line character at the end of the header.

  4. Verify your campaign load format by previewing some sample contents of the list format.

    NOTE:  For instructions about how to preview a list format, read Previewing a Marketing List Format.

  5. When you obtain the expected results, click the save icon to save your work.

Siebel Contact and Campaign History Tables

When you load a campaign, the Campaign Load workflow process modifies data in the Siebel database after the Contact a integration component is mapped and the campaign load mapping data is modified.

  • Contacts table (S_CONTACT). The Contacts table stores contact-level information.
  • Campaign History table (S_CAMP_CON). The Campaign History table contains the history of contacts that qualify for campaigns, as well as the Campaigns ID, Segment ID, Wave Number, and so on.

If you include optional integration component fields such as Account or Contact Address in the campaign load format, other tables are updated with data according to the integration fields that are mapped.

For every record that qualifies for a campaign, the Campaign Load process uses the Contact component user key to determine if the contact record exists. Table 17 contains the table update rules.

Table 17. Campaign Load Table Update Rules
Siebel Contact Record


Update existing record

Insert new record

Does not exist

Insert new record

Insert new record

NOTE:  If you use the Marketing Contact integration object, the lookup uses the User Key fields for Contacts and Accounts. Figure 2 shows the integration components for the Marketing Contact integration object. If you use the Marketing Person integration object, the lookup only requires the Campaign Id, Load Number, Token Number, Contact Id, or Prospect Id to confirm that the person is present in the transaction database.

Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.