Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Partner Programs Administration > Setting Up Partner Programs >

Setting Up Related Programs

Related programs are programs that have a relationships with a base program. There are two types of related programs:

  • Addenda. This is a program that is not in the original agreement. For example, a base program that authorizes partners to be resellers might have an addenda program for each product the partners can sell.

    NOTE:  Partners cannot apply for an addenda program unless they are members of the base program.

  • Prerequisite. This relationship is informational only.

This task is a step in Setting Up Partner Programs.

To set up an addenda program

  1. Navigate to Site Map > Partner Programs screen > Program Design view, and create a new program.
  2. In the Partner's Program applet, select the base program to which you want to relate the addenda program.
  3. Click on the Related Programs tab and in the Name field, and query for and select the Addenda program you created.
Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide