Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Using Market Development Funds > Creating and Using MDFs >

Adding Funding to the Market Development Fund

The third step in creating an MDF is to add funding to it. The type of funding you add depends on the choice you made in the Type field when you created the Fund record:

  • Fixed. If the fund type is Fixed, add the funding amount in the Fixed Fund Administration view.
  • Accrual. If the fund type is Accrual, add the funding amount in the Accrual Fund Administration view.
  • Mixed. If the fund type is mixed, use both the Fixed Fund Administration view and the Accrual Fund Administration view to specify the amount of funding it has. The mixed fund contains the sum of the fixed and accrual funding that you specify.

To add fixed funding to an MDF

  1. Navigate to the Fund Design screen.
  2. In the Fund Administration list, select a Fund that is Fixed or Mixed.
  3. Click the Fixed Fund Administration view tab.

    The Fixed Fund Administration view appears.

  4. In the Fixed Fund Administration list, click the menu button, and then click New Record to add a new record to this list.
  5. Enter information in the following table about the fixed funding in the new record.


    A name for this funding for your own use, such as Initial Funding or Q2 Added Funding.


    The amount of funding allocated to this fund for this transaction.


    Optionally, use the Pick Period dialog box to choose a predefined period, such as 2005 or Jan. 2005. When you do this, the Start Date and End Date fields are filled automatically.


    The date when partners can begin spending this funding. If this record is the initial allocation of money to this fund, then this date should be the same as the start date for the fund. If this record is a supplementary allocation, it could be a different date. For example, if you have a yearly fund and you allocate extra funding for the third quarter, the start date for the extra funding could be the first day of the third quarter.


    The last date when partners can spend this funding.

To add accrual funding to an MDF

  1. Navigate to the Fund Design screen.
  2. In the Fund Administration list, select a fund that is either an Accrual or a Mixed type.
  3. Click the Accrual Fund Administration view tab.
  4. In the Partners list, select the partner company that will accrue funding, or click New to add a new partner company to the list.
  5. In the Accrual Definition list, click the menu button, and then click New Record.
  6. Enter information about the accrual definition in the new record, as shown in Table 6.
    Table 6. Accrual Definition Fields


    Select the type of component on which the accrual is based. The default options are as follows:

    • Orders (accrued funding based on all the orders of the partner)
    • Product Line (accrued funding based on the orders of the partner for a specific product line)
    • Product (accrued funding based on the orders of the partner for a specific product)

    Other options may have been added.

    Product Line

    If you choose Product Line in the Type field, in this field's dialog box, choose the product line on which accrued funding is based. If you do not choose Product Line as the type, this field is disabled.


    If you choose Product in the Type field, in this field's dialog box, choose the product on which accrued funding is based. If you do not choose Product as the type, this field is disabled.


    Optionally, use the list to choose a predefined period, such as 2005 or Jan. 2005. When you do this, the Start Date and End Date fields are filled automatically.


    The date when funding begins to accrue to this fund.


    The last date when funding accrues to this fund.


    This field lets you tier funding by specifying the base amount at which the accrual begins. For example, if you want to give the partner accrual funding only after it sells $1,000,000, you can set the base at $1,000,000. Or, if you want to give the partner 1% of the first $1,000,000 it sells, and 2% of everything above that, you can create one fund record with a base of $0 and a rate of 1% and a second fund record with a base of $1,000,000 and a rate of 1%. The second fund record would give an additional 1% beyond the 1% in the first fund record.


    Select the unit of measurement on which the funding is based. For example, if you choose Pallet, Bag, or Dollar, the partner accrues the amount in the accrual rate field for each pallet, bag, or dollar of your product ordered. The units available here can be determined in the LOV administration view under UNIT_OF_MEASURE.

    Accrual Rate

    Enter an amount of funding that accrues per unit sold.

    Estimated Volume

    Enter your goal, the volume of sales targeted for this accrual.

    Actual Volume

    Enter the actual volume of sales for this accrual.

NOTE:  When you add an Accrual Definition record, the options available in the Type field can be defined in the List of Values view of the Applications Administration screen by adding values of type ACCRUAL_SRC_TYPE, and the options available in the U/M field can be defined by adding values of type UNIT_OF_MEASURE. For more information about list of value administration, see Application Administration Guide.

Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide