Siebel Performance Management Guide > Setting Up and Administering Performance Scorecard > Defining Key Performance Indicators, Update Methods and Access Groups >

Creating a KPI Definition

Complete the steps in the following procedure to define a Key performance Indicator.

To define a KPI

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Key Performance Indicators screen.
  2. In the KPI Definitions list add a record and complete the name and description.

    End users select the KPI based on the name and description. As part of the description, specify whether or not the KPI is Global or Employee Specific.

  3. In the More Info view, complete other relevant fields.

    The following table describes the fields


    Update Method

    If an administrator will enter the value to update the KPI, the update method is Manual. If Siebel Analytics will be used to update the KPI, the update method is Siebel Analytics.

    Unit of Measure

    The Unit of Measure for the KPI. For example, % (for percentage), $ (for dollars), or # (for number of people).


    The predefined source for the KPI. This value represents the system of record for this KPI, for example, CRM System, or HRMS (Human Resources Management System).


    Options are Lead, Lag and Static. A KPI of type Lag is a lagging indicator. For example, closed revenue is an indicator of past performance (lagging). KPIs of type Lead are for leading indicators such as opportunity revenue. KPIs of type Static indicate current conditions.


    A predefined category for the KPI. You can set up your own categories using the Administration - List of Values screen. Examples of categories are Customer, Internal Process, and Training.


    If your organization has benchmark data for the KPI, enter the value in this field. For example, the average Employee Turnover may be 12% for your industry. You can enter that value in the Benchmark field for the Employee Turnover KPI.


    Some organizations assign an employee to coordinate and oversee a KPI to make sure that it is being properly administered. The administrator gives the coordinator access to the KPI Administration screen by giving the coordinator KPI Administrator responsibility.

    Effective Start Date

    The date the KPI is effective.

    Effective End Date

    The date that the KPI is no longer visible to employees.


    If the Private check box is not selected, all employees have access to the KPI. Selecting this check box controls accessibility to the KPI using Access Groups. Specify which predefined groups should have access using the Access Groups view. For more information, see Selecting KPI Access Groups.


    If this check box is selected, the KPI is not visible to employees.

    Global Value

    If the KPI is a Global KPI, and the update method type is Manual, enter a value in this field. If the KPI is global and the update method is Siebel Analytics, the field value is automatically populated during the refresh process. If the KPI is not global (it is employee-specific), then do not enter a value in the field.

    Update Frequency

    If Siebel Analytics is specified as the Update Method for the KPI, you must choose an Update Frequency. Only whole numbers are allowed for this value. You must also choose a Siebel Analytics Request.

    Siebel Analytics Request

    The Siebel Analytics Request is a request for the Analytics server to determine the value of the KPI. Click the select button in this field to navigate to the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog.

    If you have not already created a Siebel Analytics Request for the KPI, complete the procedure Creating a KPI Request in Siebel Analytics.


    (Optional) Enter the reference formula, if this is a manually calculated KPI and you need to reference that formula at a later date.


    (Optional) If you are manually querying another data source, record the SQL used for the query in this field.


    Add notes in this field.

    in the order that they should be completed.

    The following table describes field values for creating a KPI definition that are derived from Lists of Values. The values for each LOV appear in the drop-down list for the field. These values can be edited from the Administration - List of Values screen.

    LOV Type







Siebel Performance Management Guide