Pricing Administration Guide > Siebel Pricer Technical Reference > Pricing Procedures and Workflow References >

Basic Pricing Procedure Workflow

The Basic Pricing Procedure workflow provides basic pricer license functionality where the list price, volume discounts, and service pricing are supported.

Figure 16. Basic Pricing Procedure Workflow
Click for full size image

Workflow Description. This workflow does the following:

  1. Stamps error codes by checking for various conditions on the Price list.
  2. From the error codes stamped in step 2, branches out to the different actions listed in step 4.
  3. Does the following:
    1. Raises Expired Error
    2. Raises Not Expired Error
    3. Calculates the quantity of each component in a customizable product instance, and rolls down the price list ID and promotion ID from the root.
  4. Determines the price action code based on the item's Action Code and Price Type.
  5. Using the Simple Look-up Transform business service, searches for the correct price list and stamps various price fields on the line item.
  6. Gets Root Price List Item Id|Start = List|Net = Start.
  7. Splits Unpriced Actions.

    NOTE:  Do not price line items with Skip Pricing Flag = 'Y'.

  8. Splits service and nonservice line items so they can be priced separately.

    NOTE:  In this Pricing Procedure, products and service products need to be split and handled differently. Service procedures are really services that are tied to products, for example a maintenance service on a car. The pricing of a service is tied to the product it covers. Later in the this workflow, steps named " XXX service Pricing" will consume the Service Product Row Set.

  9. Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.
  10. Finds out the upsell discount information.
  11. Applies tiered volume discounts to the net price.
  12. Finds out the tiered upsell discount information.
  13. Forces the net price to be within the minimum and maximum values defined in the price list item.
  14. Sets the manual adjustment and applies line item and header-level manual discounts.
  15. Sets the pricing adjustment. Before adjustments and discounts, the Net Price = Start Price.
  16. Updates the net price for any covered products that were repriced.
  17. Looks up the list price information for covered products.
  18. Calculates the start price for the service product by applying the percentage in the price list item to the net or start price of the covered product.
  19. Before adjustments and discounts, ensures that the Net Price = Start Price.
  20. Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.
  21. Determines the upsell discount information.
  22. Applies tiered volume discounts to the net price.
  23. Determines the tiered upsell discount information.
  24. Forces the net price to be within the minimum and maximum values defined in the price list item.
  25. Applies line item and header-level manual discounts.
  26. Before adjustments and discounts, ensures that the Net Price = Start Price.
  27. Merges service and nonservice line items.
  28. Merges unpriced line items.
  29. Gets the MPT Prices and the NRC and MRC price components.
  30. Spreads discounts from bundle product root to subcomponents.
  31. Calculates the total extended price of the customizable product, including all subcomponents.

Table 21 lists the steps in the Basic Pricing Procedure with the business service and method that is called by each.

Table 21. Steps of the Basic Pricing Procedure Workflow
Business Service
Sub Process

Check Header Price List

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Query Transform


Stamps error codes by checking for various conditions on the Price list.

Price List Error





From the error codes stamped in step 1, branches out to different actions in the next step.

Raise Expired Error


Business Service

Pricing Manager


Raise Price List Expired Error



Halts execution and provides an error message to the user if the header Price List is expired.

Raise Not Effective Error


Business Service

Pricing Manager


Raise Price List Not Effective Error



Halts execution and provides an error message to the user if the header Price List is not yet effective.

Customizable Product Roll-Down


Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service


Hierarchical Transform



Calculates the quantity of each component in a customizable product instance. Rolls down the price list ID and promotion ID from the root.

Determine Price Action





Determines the price action code based on the item Action Code and Price Type.

Get List Price

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Hierarchical Transform


Gets the list price for each row in the row set. Appends other values from the price list item Buscomp to the row.

Get Root Price List Item Id|Start = List|Net = Start






Split Unpriced Actions

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service



Moves service products from the row set into another row set for use in the service pricing subprocedure.

Split Service Products

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service



Splits service and nonservice line items so they can be priced separately. (Note: Later in the workflow, steps named " XXX service Pricing" would consume the Service Product Row Set).

Simple Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y





Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

Split Service Products

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service



Splits service and nonservice line items so they can be priced separately. (Note: Later in the workflow, steps named " XXX service Pricing" would consume the Service Product Row Set).

Simple Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y





Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

Simple Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y





This is a step to find out upsell discount information.

Tiered Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y





Applies tiered volume discounts to the Net Price.

Tiered Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y





This is a step to find out tiered upsell discount information.

Check Min / Max Price for Keep Price <> Y





Forces the Net Price to be within the Minimum and Maximum defined in the price list item.

Manual Adjustment





Applies line item and header-level manual discounts.

Set Pricing Adjustment

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Split Transform


Before adjustments and discounts, Net Price = Start Price.

Update Covered Product Net Prices

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service


Row Set

Lookup Transform


Updates the net price for any covered products that were repriced.

Get Covered Product List Price





Looks up list price information for the covered product.

Update Covered Product Net Prices

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service


Row Set

Lookup Transform


Updates the net price for any covered products that were repriced.

Get Covered Product List Price





Looks up list price information for the covered product.

Calculate Covered Product Service Price





Calculates the Start Price for a service product by applying the percentage in the price list item to the Net or Start Price of the covered product.

Net = Start:Service Price





Before adjustments and discounts, Net Price = Start Price.

Update Covered Product Net Prices

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service


Row Set

Lookup Transform


Updates the net price for any covered products that were repriced.

Get Covered Product List Price





Looks up list price information for the covered product.

Calculate Covered Product Service Price





Calculates the Start Price for a service product by applying the percentage in the price list item to the Net or Start Price of the covered product.

Net = Start:Service Price





Before adjustments and discounts, Net Price = Start Price.

Simple Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price





Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

Simple Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price





This is a step to find out upsell discount information.

Tiered Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price





Applies tiered volume discounts to the Net Price.

Tiered Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price





Tiered Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price.

Check Min / Max Price for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price





Forces the Net Price to be within the Minimum and Maximum defined in the price list item.

Simple Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price





Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

Manual Adjustment:Service Price





Applies line item and header-level manual discounts.

Set Pricing Adjustment:Service Price





Before adjustments and discounts, Net Price = Start Price.

Merge Service Products

Business Service

Row Set

TransformationToolkit Service

Merge Transform


Merges service and nonservice line items.

Merge Unpriced Actions

Business Service

Row Set

TransformationToolkit Service


Hierarchical Transform



Merges the priced and unpriced row sets into one.

Get MPT Prices

Business Service

Row Set

TransformationToolkit Service


Conditional Action Transform


Gets NRC and MRC price components.

Roll-Down Bundle Prices

Business Service

Row Set

Transformation Toolkit Service

Hierarchical Transform


Spreads the discount from the bundle product root to subcomponents.

Customizable Product Roll-Up

Business Service

Row Set

Transformation Toolkit Service


Hierarchical Transform



Calculates the total extended price of the customizable product including all subcomponents.

Pricing Administration Guide