Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Pricing Reports >

Descriptions of Available Reports

This section described the available predefined pricing reports.

Price Lists Report

Accessible from the Administration - Pricing > Price Lists view, this report provides a list of all price lists in the database. Because this is a summary report, it contains price list header data information, including the following information for each price list:

  • Price list name
  • Price list description
  • Base currency
  • Terms
  • Shipping methods
  • Effective dates

Price List-Based Price Book Report

Accessible from the Administration - Pricing > Price Lists view, this report shows line item (product-specific) pricing information for the selected price list.

For each line item in the selected price list, this report includes the following:

  • Price list line item data
  • Attribute-based pricing data
  • Catalog data (product line, part number, vendor number)
  • Cost data
  • Margin percentage
  • Minimum and maximum sales price

NOTE:  For products with components, only the price list line item data is included. Listing all the possible combinations of component product is not practical.

Pricing Administration Guide