Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Changing or Adding Passwords > Changing Default Passwords >

Troubleshooting Password Changes By Checking for Failed Server Tasks

After you have changed the Siebel administrator (SADMIN) password and the Table Owner password, make sure that all server tasks are still running.

To check for failed server tasks

  1. After the Siebel Server restarts:
    1. Log into a Siebel employee application, such as Siebel Call Center.
    2. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Server Management > Servers.
    3. In the Siebel Servers list, select the applicable Siebel Server.
    4. Click the Tasks tab and check to see if any server tasks have an error.

      For example, if you are running Call Center Object Manager, check if there is a task for this component that has an error.

  2. For each Server Task that displays an error, update passwords for both the Siebel administrator account and the Table Owner for that task.
    1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises.
    2. Click the Component Definitions tab.
    3. Select the component that initiated the failed task.

      For example, if Call Center Object Manager had a failed task, display the record for the Call Center Object Manager component definition.

    4. Click the Parameters view tab to display parameters for this component definition.
    5. Respecify password values for the applicable parameters for this component definition.

      For example, if the Password or Table Owner Password parameters are not set correctly for the Call Center Object Manager component definition, that may be the reason for the failed tasks. If so, respecifying the correct values should solve the problem.

  3. Restart the Siebel Server machine, and check again if any tasks failed.
Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications