Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications > User Administration > Managing Forgotten Passwords >

Defining Password Length for System-Generated Passwords

You can make sure that the new password generated for a user, as described in User Experience for a Forgotten Password, conforms to your company's policy on password length. You specify minimum and maximum character lengths for system-generated passwords. In Siebel Tools, you add two user properties to the User Registration business service to achieve this. These user properties are RandPassMinLength and RandPassMaxLength. The User Registration business service method, SetRandomPassword, uses the values of these two user properties when it is invoked.

To define minimum and maximum values for password length

  1. Open Siebel Tools and, in the Object Explorer, click Business Service.

    The Business Services list appears.

  2. In the Business Services list, query or scroll to select the User Registration business service.
  3. Choose Tools > Lock Project.
  4. In the Object Explorer, click Business Service User Props.

    The Business Service User Props list appears.

  5. Right-click in the Business Service User Props list and select New Record from the displayed context menu.

    A new record field appears.

  6. Complete the fields for the new record, as shown in the following table.

In this field ...
Enter ...




Enter the minimum number of characters that your company's password policy states a password must contain.

The default value is 5.

This defines the minimum number of characters that a password can contain.

  1. Step off the record to save changes.
  2. Repeat Step 5, Step 6, and Step 7 with modifications for
    In this field ...
    Enter ...




    Enter the maximum number of characters that your company's password policy states a password must contain.

    The default value is 15.

    Step 6, as shown in the following table.

    This defines the maximum number of characters that a password can contain.

  3. Recompile the Siebel repository file, and unlock the User Registration project.
Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications