Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing Siebel Mobile Web Clients >

Installing the Siebel Mobile Web Client and Developer Web Client

This section describes how to install the Siebel Mobile Web Client and Developer Web Client. The software installed on the user's machine for Siebel Mobile Web Client and Developer Web Client is identical. Therefore, a single installer provides the software necessary to run either type of client.

For general information about these Siebel client types, see the Deployment Planning Guide.

Before you begin installation, review Preinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Client.

Each Siebel client is designed to support only a single Siebel Enterprise. To support multiple Enterprises on a single machine for testing purposes, be sure to install clients in separate directories. For more information, see Directory Naming Conventions.

Siebel Client Installer Flow

The standard Siebel Mobile Web Client and Developer Web Client installer performs the following:

  • Checks the client computer to verify whether required components have already been installed.
  • Creates all required ODBC data sources.
  • Installs the Siebel client software and specified language extension packs.
  • Creates Siebel application and utility shortcuts.
  • Allows the installation log file to be viewed.
  • Predeploys ActiveX controls used by the Siebel client.

Predeploying ActiveX Controls

After the Siebel client installation described later in this section completes, the file predeploy.htm is loaded in a browser window. This file downloads ActiveX controls used by the Siebel client, including those required for high interactivity mode.

The predeploy.htm file is located in the directory SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\public\language, where SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT is the directory where the client is installed, and language is the directory for a Language Pack you have installed. (If you have installed multiple languages, then the predeploy.htm file is loaded separately for each installed language.)

NOTE:  You can specify to turn off loading predeploy.htm prior to installation. To do this, edit the file Siebel_Image\Windows\Client\Siebel_Web_Client\language/siebel.ini, where Siebel_Image is the Siebel installation image location on the network, and language is the directory for a Language Pack that can be installed. In the [PreDeploy] section of this file, set Condition = no.

For more information about the ActiveX controls used by the Siebel client, related browser settings, and the predeploy.htm file, see the browser configuration chapter in the Siebel System Administration Guide.

Procedure for Installing the Siebel Client

Complete the following steps to install the Siebel Mobile Web Client or Developer Web Client and specified language extension packs.

NOTE:  The following procedure is for installing the base product. For patch installation instructions, refer to the Maintenance Release Guide provided with the patch. See also About Installing Siebel Releases.

To install the Siebel Mobile Web Client or Developer Web Client software

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current software version. Then navigate to the directory where the installer is located.

    In this case, navigate to Siebel_Image\Windows\Client\Siebel_Web_Client.


    • Siebel_Image = The directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such as D:\Siebel_Install_Image\

      CAUTION:  You must run this installation program from a network drive mapped to a drive letter. If you attempt to install from an unmapped network drive, the installer may be unable to locate files it needs to proceed and may fail.

  2. Double-click install.exe to start the Siebel client installer.
  3. In the Choose Setup Language screen, choose the language in which to conduct the installation, then click OK.

    The default installation language is the one that corresponds to the current regional settings on the installation machine.

  4. If you have an existing Siebel client installation, you can choose to add language extension packs to this installation.
    • If you are installing a new instance of the Siebel client, click Next.
    • If you are adding languages to an existing Siebel client installation:
      • Select the check box next to the line identifying the existing installation to which you are adding languages, then click Next.
      • Select the check box next to each language you are installing, then click Next.
      • Proceed to Step 9.
  5. In the Welcome screen, click Next.
  6. In the Setup Type screen, verify that the Siebel client installation directory listed is correct. The default directory is C:\Program Files\Siebel\7.8\Web Client. Perform one of the following:
    • Click Next to accept the default directory.
    • Edit the directory text, such as to append the build number to the Siebel directory level, or to specify another drive such as D:, then click Next.
    • Click Browse, select a different destination directory, then click Next.

      For details on pathname requirements, see Directory Naming Conventions.

  7. While still in the Setup Type screen, select the type of installation to perform:
    • Typical. Installs all base Siebel client components, plus the following optional components: Help Files, Third-Party Help Files, and Packager Utility. This option is recommended for most users. Proceed to Step 9.
    • Compact. Installs all base Siebel client components. Proceed to Step 9.
    • Custom. Installs all base Siebel client components and lets you specify whether to install any or all optional components. Some of these options are preselected by default. Proceed to Step 8.

      NOTE:  Siebel administrators should install Server Manager and the Siebel Packager utility.

  8. For a custom installation, select from the Select Components screen the optional components you want to install. This screen appears only if you chose Custom installation in Step 7.
  9. In the Choose Languages screen, select the languages (that is, Language Packs) to install. The language in which you are performing the installation, specified in Step 3, is preselected as a default. You must specify at least one language to install.

    If you are installing Language Packs for an existing Siebel client installation, go to Step 21.

    Verify that your destination machine has sufficient disk space for the installation, then click Next.

    NOTE:  The installer displays space requirements for only one drive. The drive that contains the TEMP directory requires at least 10 MB free prior to installation. Also, pay attention to your hard drive file system configuration. Using a FAT configuration with a 64-KB allocation unit is not recommended, because this may leave insufficient space for installation of all necessary components and cause the installation to fail. Configure file systems using NTSF instead.

  10. In the Select Client Type screen, specify if you are installing the Mobile Web Client or the Developer Web Client, then click Next.

    NOTE:  Some of the remaining installation steps in this procedure apply only if you are installing the Mobile Web Client, or only if you are installing the Developer Web Client.

    For Mobile Web Client installations, go to Step 12.

  11. Developer Web Client installations only: In the Server Database screen, select the type of server database on which you are implementing your Siebel application. Choose one of the following, then click Next:
    • IBM DB2 UDB for Windows and UNIX
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • Oracle Database 9i or 10g Enterprise Edition (CBO)
    • IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS

      NOTE:  Based on your choice, the Siebel client installer validates that the correct database connectivity software has been installed. If not, you must exit the Siebel client installer, install the required software, then restart the client installer.

  12. In the File System Server Information screen:
    • For Mobile Web Client, accept the default value, then click Next.
    • For Developer Web Client, either accept the default value or enter the directory path for a network-based Siebel File System, then click Next.

      NOTE:  If you specify a non-default value for the Siebel File System directory path, you can use a UNC share name (for example, \\SRV1\siebfile) or a mapped drive (for example, K:\siebelFS).

  13. In the Remote Server Information screen, enter your Siebel Remote Server connectivity information, then click Next. (This step applies to the Siebel Mobile Web Client only; for the Developer Web Client, click Next to accept the default.)

    For Mobile Web Client installations, go to Step 16.

  14. Developer Web Client installations only: In the Database Identification screen, enter the following information. Specify information for the database you specified in the Server Database screen in Step 11:
    • For IBM DB2 UDB for UNIX and Windows, specify the Database Alias and Table Owner, then click Next.
    • For Microsoft SQL Server, specify the Server Name and Database Name, then click Next.
    • For Oracle Database, specify the Database Alias and Table Owner, then click Next.
    • For IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS, specify the Database Alias (as defined in DB2 Connect) and Table Owner or Schema Qualifier, then click Next.
  15. Developer Web Client installations only: In the Enterprise Server Information screen, specify the address of the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the name of the Enterprise Server to which this client will connect for administration.

    The Gateway Name Server Address is the network name or the IP address of the machine on which the Siebel Gateway Name Server is installed. To enter a specific port number, append the Gateway Name Server Address string with a colon and the desired port number.

    The Enterprise Server name is the name under which the Siebel Servers that support this client's server database were installed.

  16. Mobile Web Client installations only: In the Enterprise Server Information screen, specify the address of the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the name of the Enterprise Server, then click Next.

    NOTE:  The Siebel Gateway Name Server address is typically the machine name or VIP where the Name Server is running.

  17. In the Server Request Broker Information screen, specify the Request Server Name: the name of the Siebel Server on which the Server Request Broker component is operating. This component is used for dynamic assignment and other interactive operations. Then click Next. (This step applies to the Siebel Developer Web Client only; for the Mobile Web Client, click Next to accept the default.)
  18. In the Search Server Information screen:
    • For Mobile Web Client, accept the default values, then click Next.
    • For Developer Web Client, if you will use Siebel Search (Hummingbird SearchServer), either accept the default values or enter the following for the server on which Siebel Search is operating, then click Next:
      • Hostname
      • Port Number (if using non-default port number)

        NOTE:  For system requirements and other information on implementing Siebel Search, see the Siebel Search Administration Guide.

  19. In the Select Program Folder screen, enter the name of the program folder that will contain your Siebel shortcuts, then click Next.

    The default name is Siebel Web Client 7.8. You can use spaces and use the backslash (\) in folder names to create a folder hierarchy.

    Clicking Next in this step initiates file transfer. The setup program copies files to the local hard disk. A status bar in the Setup Status dialog box indicates the progress of the installation. You can cancel installation while files are being copied to the local disk.

    The setup program copies files to the local hard disk for each specified language, in addition to those that were installed for the base installation.

    A status bar in the Setup Status dialog box indicates the progress of the installation. You can cancel installation while files are being copied to the local disk.

    If you have installed all specified Language Packs, proceed to the next step. Alternatively, if you have installed Language Packs for an existing client installation, the installer exits. Skip the rest of this procedure.

  20. After installation, the file predeploy.htm is loaded in a browser window, as noted earlier in this section. When the page displays the following message, indicating that ActiveX downloading is finished, close the browser window:

    The download is complete, you may close the window.

  21. Review the information presented in the Event Log screen, then click Next.

    This log provides details of the steps the installer has performed during your Siebel client installation.

    NOTE:  Write down the name of the installation directory as shown in this screen, for future reference.

  22. Review the information presented in the Registry Log screen, then click Next.

    This log provides details of the registry information the installer has performed during your Siebel client installation.

  23. Click Finish in the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen.

    The Siebel client installation is now finished. Siebel application shortcuts are created in the program folder specified in Step 19. For more information, see Siebel Client Shortcuts.

  24. Review the installation log to verify that all components installed successfully.

If you are installing the Siebel Sample Database, see Installing the Siebel Sample Database.

To verify successful installation, see Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Client.

Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools