Siebel Master Data Applications Reference for Industry Applications > Administering Siebel Master Data Applications >

Setting System Privileges for Siebel Master Data Applications

After a system is registered, administrators can set privileges for this system, which allows grant access to Siebel Master Data Applications. For example, a system may allow insert, update, and query privileges on Contact records, but not allow the privilege of deleting the contact. Privileges are granted on the Business Objects layer.

For information on registering a system, see Registering Systems Connected to Siebel Master Data Applications.

To set a system's privileges

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Universal Customer Master screen.
  2. From the link bar, select System Registrations.
  3. In the Systems Registrations list, select the system of interest, and drill down on the hyper link in the System ID field.
  4. From the System Detail view, select the System Privileges tab.
  5. In the System Privileges view, click New.
  6. Enter the appropriate information in the available fields to define the privileges for each object in the system.

    Use Table 17 for information on each of the fields.

Table 17. Object Fields

Object Name

An object stored in Siebel Master Data Applications like Contact, Account, Household, and so on.


Query privileges for the object selected in the object name field.


Insert privileges for the object selected in the object name field.


Update privileges for the object selected in the object name field.


Delete privileges for the object selected in the object name field.


Comments on the privileges chosen for the selected object of the selected system.

Figure 8 shows the definition of privileges for the example system.

Figure 8. Defining System Privileges
Click for full size image

The configuration in Figure 8 indicates that the system registered with the name Example has query, insert, and update privileges for the Contact business object. However, it is not allowed to delete any of the Contact records in the Siebel Universal Customer Master application. Furthermore, it is set to subscribe to record changes for the Contact business object.

Siebel Master Data Applications Reference for Industry Applications, Universal Customer Master Guide