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Web Controls Toolbar

The Web Controls toolbar allows you to create user interface controls in the Applet Layout Editor. You can reposition the toolbar as a floating window anywhere on the screen, or you can place it with the other toolbars at the top of the screen. The toolbar supports drag-and-drop behavior for the creation and placement of new controls. The Web Controls toolbar contains drop-down lists, fields, and buttons.

Drop-Down Lists and Fields

  • Mode. This drop-down list lets you select the applet mode, such as Base or Edit. Values in the drop-down list indicate whether a given mode is active or inactive.
  • Template. This field shows the Web template associated with the selected mode.
  • Control Type. This drop-down list lets you insert a custom control type into a template. Works together with the Custom Control button.


Table 18 describes the Web Controls toolbar buttons.

Table 18. Web Controls Toolbar Buttons

Change Template. Displays the Choose Template dialog box that lets you select a different Web template.

Edit Template. Opens the template editor you defined as your external Web template editor in your options.

Select. Lets you select an object in the layout.

CheckBox. Creates a check box.

ComboBox. Creates a combo box.

Text. Creates a text box.

TextArea. Creates a text area.

Hidden. Creates hidden HTML.

Password. Creates a text box where the user enters a password during logon.

Link. Creates an HTML link control.

MailTo. Creates a mail-to link.

Button. Creates a button.

Label. Creates a label on templates.

URL. Creates a link to an external URL on templates.

ActiveX. Creates an ActiveX control on templates.

Text List Column. Creates a list column that contains HTML text. Available for list applets only.

Checkbox List Column. Creates a list column that contains HTML check boxes. Available for list applets only.

Custom Control. Creates a custom control on a template. You can select a custom control from the Control Type drop-down list, and then drag the Custom Control button to the designer to create the custom control.

Shift to previous placeholder in applets based on nongrid Web templates. Moves the selected control to the previous placeholder.

Shift to next placeholder in applets based on nongrid Web templates. Moves the selected control to the next placeholder.

Using Siebel Tools