Using Siebel Tools > Compiling and Testing >

Command-Line Interface for Import, Export, and Compilation

The command-line interface for import, export, and compiling is invoked from the siebdev executable, using these command switches: /batchimport, /batchexport, and /bc. The executable file siebdev.exe is located in the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN directory of the Siebel Tools installation directory.

Batch Import

The syntax of the /batchimport switch is as follows:

/batchimport <"siebel repository"> <Import Mode - i.e. Overwrite, Merge, Skip> <Sif File1, Sif File2, Sif FileN - or Directory containing .sif files> <Log File>

You can specify the archive (SIF) file and the log file by the full path or relative path to the current directory.

The following sample import command imports import1.sif located in the parent directory and import2.sif located in the Siebel Tools installation directory into the Siebel repository using the overwrite mode. It also logs the results to the import.log.

siebdev.exe /c tools.cfg /d sample /u sadmin /p sadmin /batchimport "siebel repository" overwrite ..\import1.sif "C:\Program Files\Siebel\7.8\Tools\import2.sif" import.log

The following sample import command imports all files under C:\Program Files\Siebel\7.8\Tools\importfiledir into the Siebel repository using the merge mode. This command also logs the results to import.log file.

siebdev.exe /c tools.cfg /d sample /u sadmin /p sadmin /batchimport "siebel repository" merge "C:\Program Files\Siebel\7.8\Tools\importfiledir" import.log

Batch Export

For export, the command-line interface provided by the /batchexport switch accepts an input file that specifies export objects.

The input file takes a comma-delimited format of Object Type, Object Name Search Expression, and the SIF file name. The search expression takes any Siebel Tools accepted query criteria. To specify the archive (.sif) file, you can use the absolute file path or the relative file path to the current directory.

You can place multiple lines in the input file, each requesting to export multiple objects into one SIF file. However, if you specify the same (.sif) export file in multiple lines, only the last export will take effect, and the previous exports will be overwritten.

As an example, the following content, in an input file, requests the batchexport switch to export all business components whose name is like *Account* into the export.sif file.

"Business Component,*Account*,export.sif"

NOTE:  There must be no space before and after commas.

The syntax for /batchexport switch is as follows:

/batchexport <"siebel repository"> <Input File Name> <Log File>

The following sample export command would export objects specified in the input file, obj.txt. This command will also log results into the export.log file.

siebdev.exe /c tools.cfg /d sample /u sadmin /p sadmin /batchexport "siebel repository" obj.txt export.log


The syntax of the /bc switch is as follows:

/bc <Repository Name> <SRF Name>

An example of a compilation command that compiles the Siebel repository into siebel.srf is shown below:

siebdev.exe /c tools.cfg /d sample /u sadmin /p sadmin /bc "siebel repository" Siebel.srf

If no file path is specified for the.srf file, the file will be compiled into the objects directory under Siebel Tools, otherwise, it will be compiled into the specified directory.

Batch Patch

The syntax for the batch patch command-line entry is as follows:

siebdev.exe /u sadmin /p sadmin /d local-dest /applybatchpatch <Siebel Repository Name> <Directory that contains the patch files> <Log File Name>

Incremental Import

The syntax for the incremental import command-line entry is as follows:

eximsif.exe /u sadmin /p db2 /d db224001 /A ie /t SIEBEL /f g:\testSifs /R "exp-imp-0" /n 1 /l ie-0.log /i input.txt

Using Siebel Tools