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Configuring Main Menu Layout and Record Order for Siebel Wireless

You can determine which applications are available for customization by the user, and you can establish the fields available for the user to sort on. To do so, you modify the .cfg file associated with the application containing the Mobile screen, the screen used for customization by the user.

The user establishes preferences using the Main Menu Layout view and the Record Order view in the Mobile screen in the Siebel Web client. For information about how the user establishes main menu and record order preferences, see Personalizing Your Wireless Device.

Cfg File Settings

The cfg file associated with the application used to set the user's preferences has the following section:


Siebel Sales Wireless = WirelessSalesObjMgr_<language>

Siebel Service Wireless = WirelessServiceObjMgr_<language>

Siebel PRM Wireless = WirelesseChannelObjMgr_<language>

Siebel eService Wireless = WirelesseServiceObjMgr_<language>

The actual filenames replace <language> with the three-character language code.

Configuring Record Order

Use Siebel Tools to set sort fields for all applets. Calculated fields cannot be used for sorting. Fields that can be selected for sorting in each applet are determined as follows:

  1. All the list columns from display applets (for example, SWLS Sales Action Action display applet) are selected for sorting if they are mapped to a field and have a display name.
  2. If the DetailAppletName applet user property has been set for a display applet (for example, SWLS Sales Action Action detail applet has been set up for SWLS Sales Action Action display applet), any control fields from the detail applet with a field, a name, and a caption are selected for sorting also.
  3. If no fields are found in Step 2, the list columns from detail applets are also selected for sorting if they are mapped to a field and have a display name.
Settings Used for Record Order

In Siebel Tools, the following user properties for display applets facilitate Record Order configuration.

  • DetailAppletName. This user property defines a detail applet from which additional fields to sort can be listed, provided the detail applet is based on the same business component (BC) as the display applet (for example, setting SWLS Sales Action Action detail applet as the detail applet for SWLS Sales Action Action display applet).
  • NoSortOnFields. If this user property for a display applet is set to TRUE, the page tab represented by the display applet is removed from the list of page tabs that the user can choose from. For example, if this user property is set to TRUE for SWLS Sales Action Action display applet, the Activity page tab will be removed from the list of page tabs for the Siebel Sales Wireless application in the Record Order view.

Removing an Application

If you want to:

  • Prevent a user from changing the main menu or record order for a particular application, you can remove it from the application picklist in the Main Menu Layout and Record Order lists in the Mobile screen.
  • Remove an application from the picklist, you can remove or comment out the appropriate entry in the cfg file. For example, if you want to remove the Siebel Self-Service Wireless from the application picklist in Siebel Sales, edit the [Wireless:ApplicationList] section in the associated .cfg to contain only the following:


    Siebel Sales Wireless = WirelessSalesObjMgr_<language>

    Siebel Service Wireless = WirelessServiceObjMgr_<language>

    Siebel PRM Wireless = WirelesseChannelObjMgr_<language>

  • Comment out the entry in the cfg file, precede it with a semicolon, as shown here:

    ;Siebel eService Wireless = WirelesseServiceObjMgr_<language>

Siebel Wireless Administration Guide