Siebel eScript Language Reference > Quick Reference: Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript >

Character Classification Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 13 provides a list of character classification methods.

Table 13. Character Classification Methods in Siebel eScript

Clib.isalnum() Method

Tests for an alphanumeric character

Clib.isalpha() Method

Tests for an alphabetic character

Clib.isascii() Method

Tests for an ASCII-coded character

Clib.iscntrl() Method

Tests for any control character

Clib.isdigit() Method

Tests for any decimal-digit character

Clib.isgraph() Method

Tests for any printing character except space

Clib.islower() Method

Tests for a lowercase alphabetic letter

Clib.isprint() Method

Tests for any printing character

Clib.ispunct() Method

Tests for a punctuation character

Clib.isspace() Method

Tests for a white-space character

Clib.isupper() Method

Tests for an uppercase alphabetic character

Clib.isxdigit() Method

Tests for a hexadecimal-digit character

Clib.toascii() Method

Converts to ASCII

Siebel eScript Language Reference