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Oracle® Application Development Framework Developer's Guide For Forms/4GL Developers
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Part Number B25947-02
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23 Optimizing Application Performance with Caching

This chapter describes how to add caching support to existing application pages.

This chapter explains the following:

23.1 About Caching

For most Web-based applications, a large percentage of requests are made for identical or similar content. These repeated requests for both dynamic and static contents place a significant strain on application infrastructure.

Caching stores all or parts of a web page in memory for use in future responses. It significantly reduces response time to client requests by reusing cached content for future requests without executing the code that created it.

Oracle ADF Faces Cache provides a simple way for you to cache portions of a response generated by a request. You simply wrap the fragment content you want to cache with a beginning <afc:cache> and ending </afc:cache> tag. By caching both dynamic and static content, you can increase throughput and shorten response times.

You can add the <afc:cache> tag to cache the following fragment types:

You can use the ADF Faces Cache library with any application developed with JavaServer Faces (JSF).

23.2 Using ADF Faces Cache to Cache Content

Consider using the <afc:cache> tag for the following types of content:

Several of the pages in the SRDemo application use the Cache component to cache fragments. By analyzing how caching support was added to SRCreate.jspx and SRFaq.jspx, you can better understand how to cache fragments in your applications.

Figure 23-1 shows the SRCreate.jspx page. It contains these cacheable fragments:

Because these fragments are shareable by a given user across sessions or across all users, they are good caching candidates.

Figure 23-1 Create New Service Request Page in the SRDemo Application

Image of Create New Service Request page.

Example 23-1 shows the code for the first fragment, the start of the page content.

Example 23-1 Start Page Content Fragment

<!--Page Content Start-->
<afc:cache duration="864000">
   <af:objectSpacer width="10" height="10"/>
     <f:facet name="separator">
       <af:objectSpacer width="4" height="10"/>
     <af:outputText value="#{res['srcreate.faqText']}"/>
     <af:commandLink text=" #{res['srcreate.faqLink']}"
                              action="dialog:FAQ" useWindow="true"
                              immediate="true" partialSubmit="true"/>
   <af:objectSpacer width="10" height="10"/>
   <af:outputFormatted value="#{res['srcreate.explainText']}"/>

The attributes for the <afc:cache> tag specify the following:

Example 23-2 shows the code for the second fragment, the tabs across the top of the page.

Example 23-2 Menu Tabs Fragment

<f:facet name="menu1">
    <afc:cache duration="864000"
    <af:menuTabs var="menuTab" value="#{menuModel.model}">
      <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
        <af:commandMenuItem text="#{menuTab.label}"
                            rendered="#{menuTab.shown and menuTab.type=='default'}"

The attributes for the <afc:cache> tag specify the following:

Example 23-3 shows the code for the last fragment, which displays the Logout and Help menu items as a global menu fragment.

Example 23-3 Logout and Help Menu Fragment

<f:facet name="menuGlobal">
      <f:subview id="globalMenufragment">
        <afc:cache duration="86400">
           <jsp:include page="/app/globalMenu.jspx">

Figure 23-2 shows the SRFaq.jspx page. Its content is shareable among all users.

Figure 23-2 Frequently Asked Questions Dialog in the SRDemo Application

Image of SRDemo Frequently Asked Questions dialog

Example 23-4 shows the code for this page fragment.

Example 23-4 FAQ Fragment

    <afc:cache duration="86400" 
...FAQ Page Content...

The attributes for the <afc:cache> tag specify the following:

23.2.1 How to Add Support for ADF Faces Cache

To use the Cache component, you add the ADF Faces Cache library to an application's project and apply the library to the specific JSP page.

To add the ADF Faces Cache library:

  1. In the Application Navigator, select the project that you want to use the Cache component.

  2. From the context menu, choose Project Properties.

    The Project Properties dialog opens.

  3. Select the Libraries node.

  4. On the Libraries page, click Add Library.

  5. Locate the ADF Faces Cache library in the selection tree and click OK.

  6. On the Libraries page, click OK.

  7. For each JSP document or page, you plan to apply the <afc:cache> tag, add the following library syntax to the <jsp:root> tag:


    You can now insert the Cache component from the Component Palette or use Code Insight to insert the <afc:cache> tag.

23.2.2 What Happens When You Cache Fragments

When you run an application containing the <afc:cache> tag, the content is not cached until there is an initial browser request for it. After the content is cached, the content is served from the cache. You can see when content is inserted into the cache and how many cache hits and misses result from fragment requests using a combination of the following tools: Logging

ADF Faces Cache leverages the Java Logging API (java.util.logging.Logger) to log events and error messages. These messages show the sequence of how objects are inserted and served from the cache.

Depending on the logging configuration specified in the j2ee-logging.xml file, logging information can display in the Log Window of JDeveloper and write to the log.xml file. The j2ee-logging.xml file specifies the directory path information for log.xml.

Example 23-5 shows log excerpts in which fragment SRCreate.jspx is initially requested and found not to be in the cache (cache miss) and inserted into the cache (insert). SRCreate.jspx is requested again, and served from the cache (cache hit).

Example 23-5 Log Sample

fragment is SRCreate.jspx:_id13
fragment (SRCreate.jspx:_id13) fetch: cache miss
fragment (SRCreate.jspx:_id13) insert: cached for 86400 secs
fragment is SRCreate.jspx:_id19
fragment (SRCreate.jspx:_id19) fetch: cache hit

See Also:

Section A.8 for further information about the j2ee-logging.xml file AFC Statistics Servlet

The AFC Statistics servlet, shown in Figure 23-3, displays the following cache statistics. These statistics can help to provide an overall picture of cache throughput:

  • Number of objects in cache–The number of objects stored in the cache.

  • Number of cache hits–The number of requests served by objects in the cache.

  • Number of cache misses–The number of cacheable requests that were not served by the cache. This number represents initial requests and requests for invalidated or expired objects that have been refreshed.

  • Number of invalidation requests–The number of invalidation requests serviced by the cache.

  • Number of documents invalidated–The total number of objects invalidated by the cache.

    The Number of invalidation requests and the Number of documents invalidated may not be the same. This difference can occur because one search key may apply to more than one object.

The Click here to Reset Stats link, shown in Figure 23-3, resets these statistics, except for Number of objects in cache.

Figure 23-3 AFC Statistics Servlet

Image shows AFC Statistics Servlet information

To enable the servlet:

  1. Create the following entry in the web.xml file in the /WEB-INF directory of the application:

  2. Point your browser to the following URL:


See Also:

Topic "Viewing Cache Performance Statistics" in the JDeveloper online help for further information about the AFC Statistics servlet Visual Diagnostics

The visual diagnostics feature enables you to visually display whether fragments are cache hits or cache misses. This feature demarcates fragment output with the HTML <SPAN> tag, using a class appropriate for its cache hit or cache miss status. By setting a distinct class style, you can visually determine whether fragments are stored in the cache.

While the SRDemo application does not use the visual diagnostics feature, you may find it useful for testing your applications.

See Also:

Topic "Using Visual Diagnostics" in the JDeveloper online help for further information

23.2.3 What You May Need to Know

When you use AFC Statistics servlet, you may encounter the following problems:

  • HTTP 404 Page Not Found error code

    If you receive this error when accessing the servlet, it is most likely the result of a configuration issue.

    To resolve this problem, ensure the following lines are present in the web.xml file:

  • Cache instance is not running error

    This error occurs because the servlet has not started to monitor the cache. The servlet only starts to monitor the cache after the first object has been inserted into the cache and the cache instance is created.

    To workaround this error, select Click here to Reset Stats.