Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > ADM Supported Data Types >

ADM Data Type Details

The Application Deployment Manager (ADM) process can vary slightly or have other limitations or configurations associated with it depending on the data type selected for migration. Review the following subset of data types for further details to configure or consider during the ADM deployment and activation process. The following ADM data types have additional ADM details:

List of Values

The List of Values (LOV) data type has the following behavior when deployed using ADM: the hierarchy in the List of Values Explorer view is different from the hierarchy in the List of Values list view. The list view defines relations between different LOV types. Use the Parent LIC field in List of Values list view to define relations within the same type.


The Personalization - Actions data type has the following behavior when deployed using ADM: this data type is imported together with, but before, Personalization - Events data type. Both data types require the same activation and restore activation, which are defined only for Personalization - Events.

Personalization—Event Defs

The Personalization - Events Def data type has the following behavior when deployed using ADM: this data type is imported together with, but before, the Personalization - Events data type. Both data types require the same activation and restore activation, which are defined only for Personalization - Events.


The Personalization - Rules data type has the following behavior when deployed using ADM: this data type is imported together with, but before, the Personalization - Applets data type. Both data types require the same activation and restore activation, which are defined only for Personalization - Applets.

Reports - Actuate Encyclopedia

The Reports - Actuate Encyclopedia data type requires the encryption of the report server password when deploying with ADM. Perform the following task to encrypt the report server password.

To encrypt Actuate report server password

  1. Encrypt the Actuate report server password by running the following command:

    java -classpath d:\management_server\lib\siebelmgr.jar d:\management_server\security d:\management_server\security\.key password

  2. In the enterprise profile XML file, locate the following two sections and update them with the following values:
    • <ReportServerPassword=password>
    • <ReportServerPassword Encrypted=YES>
  3. Encrypt your management server password with the same command as in Step 1:

    java -classpath d:\management_server\lib\siebelmgr.jar d:\managment_server\security d:\management_server\security\.key management_server_password

  4. Copy the password displayed on the console and paste it in the Siebel Management Server's file.

    For example,

  5. Add the location of the key file to the file.

    For example,

  6. Restart the Siebel Management Server.

Run-Time Business Service

The Run-Time Business Service data type has the following condition when packaging this data with ADM: the Run-Time Business Service data is only allowed in Synchronize deployment mode.


The SmartScript data type has the following limitations when deploying with ADM:

  • The new version of existing SmartScripts will be activated when all users have stopped using old version.
  • Make sure SmartScripts deployed using ADM are valid. For information on how to validate SmartScripts, see Validating the SmartScript Data Type.

Validating the SmartScript Data Type

SmartScripts deployed using ADM must be valid. If you export unverified SmartScripts, the generated XML file is incorrect. For more information on SmartScripts, see Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide.

To validate SmartScripts

  1. Navigate to the Scripts view in the Administration - SmartScript screen, and select a SmartScript.
  2. From the Menu button, select Verify.
  3. The Wizard starts and displays the Verify Intro view.

    For more information on this task, see Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide.

UI Theme

To access the UI Theme data type when packaging it with ADM, so the following:

  • Clicking on UI Themes data type link from Deployment Projects, Data Type list takes you to the ISS Product Administration View. From this view, you can access UI Theme records in the pick applets of the Base Theme or Product Theme fields in the Administration - Product > User Interface list applet.


The Webmaster data type has the following limitations when deploying with ADM:

  • The value of the Webmaster destination root parameter (DestinationRoot) in the ADM enterprise profile (MgmtSrvrInstallDir\ADM\entprofile_enterprise_name.xml) is listed as \\CHANGE_ME\upload. It is recommended that you change this path to reflect the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path of the shared directory on the file server to which the Webmaster files can be copied during the copy operation. The activation operation deploys the files from this shared location to the Web server plugin directory eappweb/public/lang.
  • The value of the WebServerHosts parameter must include the Web server port number if the default port is not used.

    For example: <WebServerHosts>http://web_server:16661</WebServerHosts>

  • The language value code appended to the application contained in the application path parameter must be replaced with the correct language code if not ENU. For more information on language settings for the ADM Framework, see Configuring Language Settings for the ADM Framework.
  • Make sure you set the application object manager (AOM) parameter, EnabledADMSupport, to True when deploying and activating the Webmaster data type. For more information on setting the AOM parameter for Webmaster, see Setting the AOM Parameter for the Webmaster Data Type.

Setting the AOM Parameter for the Webmaster Data Type

The application object manager (AOM) parameter, EnabledADMSupport, must be set to True when deploying and activating the Webmaster data type. Set this parameter from either the Server Manager command line or the application GUI. For information on parameter administration, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

To set the AOM parameter, EnableADMSupport, to True from the application GUI

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen > Servers view.
  2. In the Siebel Servers list, select the Siebel Server of interest.
  3. Select the Components view tab.
  4. In the Components list, select the AOM of interest, for example, Call Center Object Manager (alias SCCObjMgr).
  5. Select the Parameters view tab below the Components list.
  6. From the Parameters list, select or query for EnableADMSupport.
  7. Update the parameter value to True.
  8. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration screen > Enterprises > Synchronize view, and click Synchronize.
  9. Restart the Siebel Server.

    For information on restarting the Siebel Server, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Workflow Policy

The Workflow Policy data type requires additional attention when activating it after an ADM deployment. Perform the following task to make sure additional configurations are satisfied.

To make sure Workflow Policy data type is ready for activation

  1. Make sure the Workflow Management (alias Workflow) component group is enabled. For information on this procedure, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
  2. Update the following parameters for the Generate Triggers (alias GenTrig) server component:
    • PrivUserName to Table Owner Name (for example, SIEBEL)
    • PrivUserPass to table password (for example, db2)

      NOTE:  PrivUserName is the Table Owner Name.

  3. Update the named subsystem ADMJavaSubsys:
    1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen > Enterprises > Profile Configuration view.
    2. In the Profiles list, select ADMJavaSubsys.
    3. In the Profile Parameters list, select the JVM class path parameter, and add siebelmgrclient.jar to the class path.

      NOTE:  The number of characters in the class path must not exceed 100 characters.

  4. Synchronize batch server component ADM Processor (ADMProc).

    For information on this task, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

  5. Make sure the Workflow Policy Activation Server (WfPolicyActSrvr) in the ADM enterprise profile is the name of the correct server.
  6. Restart Oracle's Siebel Server, Siebel Management Agent, and Siebel Management Server.

Workflow and Taskflow

The Workflow and Taskflow repository data type has the following limitations when deploying with ADM:

Workspace Projects

The Workspace Projects data type has the following variations to general ADM deployment behavior:

  • The deployment mode selection in the ADM Deployment Project view is set to custom for Workspace Projects, because this data type implements its own migration method (similar to synchronize) to make sure that the entire Workspace Project is fully migrated.
  • The Workspace Project data type has its own syntax for the deployment filter field:

    [Name] = "Any joint workspace name" [Full] = "Y/N"


    • [Name] is required.
    • [Full] is optional. The filter field defaults to N if no value is specified.

      The optional Y/N flag indicates a full structure export or single object export for the objects included in the Workspace Project. In other words, Y indicates a full structure export, and N indicates a single object export.

      For example, if a Workspace Project named Vehicle Products includes a Product called Car, then if [Full] is set to Y, the associated product attributes like colors, options, accessories, and so on, are also exported, but if set to N, they are not exported. Also, only one Workspace Project name can be specified in the filter and be exported for each entry.

Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.