Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > About Workflow Policies > Process of Creating a Workflow Policy >

Creating a Workflow Policy

This task is a step in Process of Creating a Workflow Policy.

After creating your workflow policy group and workflow policy action, you are ready to use the Workflow Policies view to finish your workflow policy creation.

Table 37 describes applets in the Workflow Policies view in the Siebel client.

Table 37. Description of Applets Used to in the Workflow Policies View

Policies List applet

Used to enter and view information about the workflow policy. The entry applet toggles with a list applet so you can move between working on an individual policy and viewing information about several policies or groups of policies.

Conditions applet

Used to define or change the conditions for the workflow policy. You can define as many conditions as necessary. The conditions for the policy must be met to trigger the workflow policy action. If you need the policy to be triggered when one or another condition is true, you must create a separate workflow policy for each condition.

Actions applet

Used to enter the name of the previously defined workflow policy action you need to take place when the conditions of the workflow policy are met.

Arguments applet

Used to review the workflow policy action arguments.

For more information, see Applets Used to Define a Workflow Policy. For example configurations, see Examples of Creating a Workflow Policy.

Restrictions With Creating a Workflow Policy

Restrictions when creating a workflow policy include:

  • Workflow policies can not be based on the table S_DOCK_TXN_LOG. The unique index for this table is TXN_ID, rather than ROW_ID for other standard Siebel tables. Because Workflow uses ROW_ID to do the comparison and execute actions, it errors out if used against S_DOCK_TXN_LOG.
  • You cannot execute a business service from a workflow policy.
  • Workflow policies update database fields directly through the Data Layer, and do not go through the Business Object Layer. Therefore, a workflow process that includes business component events related to the updated fields is not executed.

Activities for Creating a Workflow Policy

In this task, you create a workflow policy.

To create a workflow Policy

  1. Navigate to Administration-Business Process > Policies.
  2. In the Policies List applet, choose New Record from the applet level menu, then enter a policy Name, Workflow Object, and Policy Group.
  3. In the Conditions applet, choose New Record from the applet level menu, then enter a Condition Field, Operation, and Value.
  4. In the Actions applet, choose New Record from the applet level menu.
  5. From the picklist in the Action field, choose the name of the action you created in the Workflow Policies Actions view. If necessary, check the Consolidate field.

If at some point in the future you need to reassign the workflow policy to another group, see Moving a Workflow Policy to a Different Group.

Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.