Siebel Business Process Framework: Task UI Guide > Configuring Task UI > Editing Task Flows >

Configuring Error Steps

Task UI supports exceptions in a manner similar to Workflow. A task can have, for example, a business service step that calls an external system synchronously. If an external system is down, an error can occur. Such errors are handled with an exception branch and an error step. The error step raises an error and returns control to the current view.

When a task flow arrives at an error step, the end user sees the error message on top of the current view, and internally the task is reset to the most recent view step before the error step was encountered.

To define an error step

  1. Open the appropriate task in the Task Designer.
  2. From the Task Palette, drag an error step and drop it on the desired location on the Task Designer.
  3. In the Properties window, enter a Name for the step and a Description of its purpose.

    NOTE:  If the Properties window is not showing, right-click the step and choose View Properties from the pop-up menu.

  4. For the Error Code property, select an error code.

    NOTE:  To define a custom error message, select an error code starting with WF_ERR_CUSTOM and provide input arguments as necessary. See Defining Custom Error Messages Using Input Arguments for more information.

Defining Custom Error Messages Using Input Arguments

You can define a custom error message for an error step using a custom error code and input arguments. The input arguments for an error step are the substitution variables in the error message. Substitution variables are identified by a percent symbol (%).

To define an error step with a custom error message

  1. Open the appropriate task in the Task Designer.
  2. From the Task Palette, drag an error step and drop it on the desired location on the Task Designer.
  3. In the Properties window, enter a Name for the step and a Description of its purpose.

    NOTE:  If the Properties window is not showing, right-click the step, and choose View Properties from the pop-up menu.

  4. For the Error Code property, select an error code starting with WF_ERR_CUSTOM (for example, WF_ERR_CUSTOM_1).

    The error message displayed will be a substitution variable (for example, %1).

  5. Add an input argument to define the text of the custom error message:
    1. For the Input Argument property, enter the appropriate substitution variable (for example, %1).
    2. Select a Type for the input argument. This is the source of the value that is used for the error message text.
    3. Specify the remaining properties, based on the Type selection.

      NOTE:  See Specifying Task Step Input Arguments for more information about defining input arguments.

    4. Step off the record to save the changes.
    5. Repeat as necessary for multiple input arguments.

Configuring Exception Branches as Error Handlers

An exception branch is a type of branch designed for handling system and user-defined errors. An example of a system generated error is a failure when sending an email notification. A user-defined error can be trying to submit an order that was incomplete. Exception branches are illustrated in the Task Palette as red connectors.

To define an exception branch

  1. Open the appropriate task in the Task Designer.
  2. From the Task Palette, drag an Error Exception connector and drop it on the desired location on the Task Designer, connecting it to an existing step icon. Make sure that the end of the connector is attached to the step.
  3. In the Properties window, enter a Name for the connector.

    NOTE:  If the Properties window is not showing, right-click the connector, and choose View Properties from the pop-up menu.

  4. For the Type property, select Error Exception or User Defined Exception.

    NOTE:  The task controller treats user-defined exceptions the same way as error exceptions.

  5. Double-click the exception icon (in the Task Designer) to display the Compose Condition Criteria dialog box.
  6. Define the conditions that apply to the exception.
Siebel Business Process Framework: Task UI Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.