Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Developing a Communications Driver >

Testing Communications Drivers

The Communications Driver Test Engine (Test Engine) is a standalone tool that simulates parts of a Siebel environment for you to test the reliability and capacity of the communications driver that you develop.

The Test Engine does not test the Communications Server or your communications configuration elements. You can use the Test Engine to test your communications driver when connected to your CTI middleware by specifying appropriate driver parameters in the definition file (.DEF) that you develop for testing your communications driver.

Before using the Test Engine, you configure settings for your communications driver. The Test Engine writes the results of the test to log files. You can specify the log file names by configuring the .DEF file. For example, using Siebel CTI Connect, you can specify log file names as follows:

  • Driver:DriverLogFile = "ctctestengine.log"
  • Service:ServiceLogFile = "CTC_agent1.log"

For additional information about communications drivers, see Configuring Communications Drivers and Profiles.

Table 81 describes the format that your .DEF must adhere to in order to simulate multiple calls. An example .DEF file follows the procedure below.

Table 81. Format of Definition File
This section ...
Must contain ...

Driver Parameter

Driver parameters to connect to the CTI middleware.


Where n = the Agent's identifier

Parameters necessary to initialize agent login.


Description of job to simulate.


Description of tasks that comprise the job.

Enter the device commands here that a communications driver supports to make sure that the commands and the communications driver function correctly.

The following procedure describes how you run the Test Engine tool to test a communications driver.

To test a communications driver

  1. Copy your .DEF file into the BIN subdirectory of your Siebel Server or Siebel client installation directory.
  2. From a command line, navigate to the BIN directory identified in Step 1.
  3. At the command prompt, execute the following command:

    On Windows:

    CommDriverTestEngine.exe definition_file language_code

    On UNIX:

    CommDriverTestEngine definition_file language_code

    For example, on Windows:

    CommDriverTestEngine.exe anExampleDefinitionFile.def ENU

    The Test Engine tests your communications driver and writes the output to the specified log files.

Sample Definition File

The following sample definition file tests the communications driver that Oracle provides with the Siebel CTI Connect module. It is a limited example that demonstrates some of the entries that can appear in a definition file. This example tests the following scenario:

  • An agent (Agent#1) performs one job (Job_MakeCallReleaseCall) that loops four times.
  • This job includes the following tasks:
    • Call extension number 56016 (Task_MakeCall).
    • Wait for two seconds (Task_Wait2sec).
    • Release the call (Task_ReleaseCall).
    • Wait for five seconds (Task_Wait5sec).

The content of the .DEF file is as follows:

[Driver Parameter]

Driver = "Dialogic CTI"

Driver:LogicalID = "V7CTCTSLINK"

Driver:CIMServer = "EGHTSGPW05"

Driver:CTCServer = "EGHTSGPW05"

Driver:NetworkType = "ncacn_ip_tcp"

Driver:SwitchType = "0"

Channel Type = "Voice"

Channel String = "CTC Phone"

Library Name = "sscmctc"

LogDebug = "TRUE"

Driver:DriverLogFile = "ctc.log"


LogFile = "testengine.log"

StartDelay = "2"

Elapse = ""

Service:ServiceLogFile = "CTC_agent1.log"

Service:DNList = "54615"

LogDebug = "TRUE"

Job1 = "Job_MakeCallReleaseCall"


Loop = "4"

Task1 = "Task_MakeCall"

Task2 = "Task_Wait2Sec"

Task3 = "Task_ReleaseCall"

Task4 = "Task_Wait5Sec"


DeviceCommand = "MakeCall"

PhoneNumber = "56016"

CallNotifyText = "Call from Siebel..."


Wait = 2


Wait = 5


DeviceCommand = "ReleaseCall"

Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.