Siebel Deal Management Workbench User Guide > Analyzing the Current Market for a Line Item >

Viewing the Market Variability Analysis

This topic describes how to display market variability analysis for the current deal line item. By default, Siebel DMW displays the market variability analysis for all deals won during the default or override period configured in Siebel Deal Management. For more information about Siebel DMW default settings, see Siebel Deal Management Administration Guide.

You can filter a market variability analysis to include only those deals that meet the criteria you specify:

  • Price type. Use this criterion to base the graph on the invoice or pocket price.
  • Deal status. Use this criterion to include the deals with a particular status only, such as Won, Approved, or Lost, or All deals.
  • Time period (start date, end date). Use this criterion to include the deals that have a date during a specific period only.

You also have the option to view the market variability analysis showing either the invoice or pocket price for the deals included in the analysis.

To view a market variability analysis graph for the current line item

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Start Siebel DMW.

      The Market Variability Analysis graph appears when you first access

    • Click the Market view.
  2. Click Variability Analysis.

    Siebel DMW displays the Market Variability Analysis graph.

    Click for full size image
  3. To view a market variability analysis graph for a different price type, select the type from the View drop-down list.
  4. To view a market variability analysis graph that includes only the deals of a particular status, select the type from the Status drop-down list.
  5. To shorten or extend the market period, at the Start Date and End Date fields, click the calendar icon, and choose a date.
  6. Click Apply.

    Siebel DMW displays a market variability analysis graph, performance metrics, and the potentially affected customer deal list, including only the deals that meet the selection criteria.

You can also view pricing detail for the line item on one of the other deals represented as a dot on the Market Variability Graph, or for a revision of the current deal, represented by a purple triangle.

To view line item pricing detail for a deal represented on the graph

  1. On the Market Variability Analysis graph, click the point representing the deal. (Move the pointer over a point to view the deal name.)

    Details about the selected deal appear in the table on the left of the screen. The table title changes to Selected Quote.

  2. To return to viewing details for the current deal, click the Current Deal dot on the Market Variability Analysis graph.

    Details about the current deal appear in the table on the left of the screen. This table title changes to Current Deal.

Siebel Deal Management Workbench User Guide Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.