Overview: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Custom EAI Business Scenarios > About Data Across the Enterprise >

B2B Integration and Siebel EAI

Business-to-business integration allows partner companies to work together to satisfy customer demands. Since B2B is fundamentally about carrying out transactions over the Internet, the technology must work over the Internet infrastructure. To meet this demand, Siebel EAI provides the EAI HTTP adapter and the Siebel Workflow Process Manager (which is used to model and execute business processes) to handle the task.

Table 8 details the requirement and the solution for a successful B2B integration.

Table 8. B2B Integration Requirement
Business Requirement
Technological Requirement
Siebel's EAI Solution

To create a business-to-business integration to send an order directly to a partner over the Internet for fulfillment

XML messaging over HTTP

  • Siebel Workflow Process Manager
  • EAI HTTP Transport adapter
Overview: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.