Overview: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Custom EAI Business Scenarios > About Data Across the Enterprise >

Integrating Legacy Data

Interfacing with a custom legacy application presents similar challenges to those faced in the B2B scenario. On the Internet, HTTP is the standard protocol for exchanging data. In a mainframe environment, IBM MQSeries is the most common application messaging transport. Therefore, you can replace the HTTP protocol in this solution with MQSeries and still carry out the transaction.

Table 9 details the requirement and the solution for a successful integration of legacy data existing on a mainframe.

Table 9. Legacy Data Integration Requirement
Business Requirement
Technological Requirement
Siebel's EAI Solution

To create an order against a mainframe system

Cross-application business process management

  • Siebel Workflow Process Manager
  • EAI MQSeries Transport
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