Siebel Field Service Guide > Agreements > Process of Setting Up Agreements >

Adding Assets to Agreement Line Items

In versions previous to Field Service 7.8, each agreement line item could have only one associated asset. Since Field Service 7.8, however, the intersection table between Line Items and Asset is used to allow multiple assets to be covered by the same line item.

NOTE:  The original Foreign Key to Asset, Covered Asset Id, is used to define the primary asset.

Any additional assets that are added to the agreement line item have no effect on the agreement line item overall price—this is only affected by the primary asset. To allow the pricing to change based on all agreement line item assets, some additional configuration is needed. See Enabling Asset-Based Pricing in Orders, Quotes, and Agreements for more information.

To add multiple assets to an agreement line item

  1. Navigate to the Agreements screen > List view.
  2. Drill down on the Name field for a selected agreement record.

    The Line Items view appears.

  3. Click the Pricing view tab.
  4. On the link bar, click Assets.
  5. In the Line Items list, select the record to which you want to add the assets.
  6. Scroll down to the Assets list and create new records for each asset, completing the fields as appropriate.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Select the check box to indicate that the current asset is the primary asset for this line item.

    Asset #

    Number of the asset. Select the appropriate asset from the dialog box that appears. When you do so, the rest of the fields in this view are populated with the related asset information.

Asset Process Flow from Quotes and Orders to Agreements

The following is a description of what typically occurs when a customer seeks a quote.

  1. The user creates a quote for a number of products. This quote contains an aftersales service component to cover the quoted products.
  2. When the customer agrees with the quote, the order is placed for the products and their service coverage.
  3. On the Sales Order screen > List > Catalog > Assets view, the user selects the Auto-Asset option from the menu button. Field Service creates an instance of the asset from the quoted products and associates it with the quote.
  4. On the Quotes screen > List > Agreements view, the user clicks the Auto Contract button. This creates an agreement with the header level information corresponding to the order. The agreement line item is now the service product and the assets created from the quote are associated with the agreement line item. Assets can be added to or removed from this list as required.

    NOTE:  The pricing of the service agreement is a combination of the price of the service product and the asset covered by the service product.

Enabling Asset-Based Pricing in Orders, Quotes, and Agreements

Typically, the pricing on agreement line items is only affected by the primary asset. However, if required, you can configure the pricing so that it is based on all agreement line item assets.

To enable asset-based pricing

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen > Workflow Deployment view.
  2. Activate the Dynamic Pricing Procedure rather than the Basic Pricing Procedure, which is normally used.

    Unlike the Basic Pricing Procedure, the Dynamic Pricing Procedure workflow includes covered asset details. See Siebel Pricing Administration Guide for more information on switching pricing procedures.

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