Siebel Field Service Guide > Cycle Counting and Replenishment > Inventory Screen >

Inventory Locations View

The Inventory Locations view sets the cycle counting parameters for each location. Table 114 describes items in Inventory Locations records. To see these fields, click the More Info view tab.

Table 114. Selected Items in the Inventory Location Views

Count Basis

A method of inventory classification that determines how often to count a product during cycle counting: ABC or XYZ chosen from a list. Products with ABC are counted based on their relative value and products with XYZ are counted based on their relative turnover.


The interval in days between physical counts of inventory at a location.

Period B/Y

The time period in days allotted to counting all B or Y class items at this location.

Product Inventory View

The Product Inventory view associates inventory locations with products and sets quantities of product, whether the product is serialized, and cycle counting parameters for the product at this location. Products are specified in the Administration - Product screen. For more information, see Administration - Product Screen. Table 115 describes items in Product Inventory records.

Table 115. Selected Items in the Product Inventory View

ABC Class

The classification of a product, A, B, or C, that indicates its value. Class A has the greatest financial value. This value overrides the Class ABC on the Product Administration screen.


A type-in field for the maximum acceptable quantity of inventory at this location and product.


A type-in field for the minimum acceptable quantity of inventory at this location and product.


A type-in field for the safe quantity of inventory at this location and product. This quantity (£ Min) is the quantity below which the Fulfillment Engine a product should not allocate. The user can override this value.


Indicates that instances of this product must have serial numbers recorded.

XYZ Class

The classification of a product, X, Y, or Z, that indicates its turnover rate. Class X has the greatest turnover rate. This value overrides the Class XYZ on the Product Administration screen.

Generate Orders View

The Generate Orders view automatically produces orders to restock products in inventory, by either an internal transfer between inventory locations or by purchase from an outside vendor. For replenishment, an inventory level must be defined for a product. For replenishment from a vendor, the authorized vendor must also be defined. These read-only records are derived from data in the Inventory screen. For more information, see Inventory Screen.

The Order button and command runs the Replenishment Engine and create purchase and internal orders to replenish all items at the selected location that are below minimum.

The replenishment process describes a source inventory location to replenish a selected location and a target location to be replenished from the selected location. Specific relationships between locations are defined in the Relationships view. For more information, see Relationships View.

Source Locations Subview

The Source Locations subview lists valid replenishment sources for the related target locations. The Order button creates internal orders to replenish the related target locations (in the Target Locations subview).

Target Locations Subview

The Target Locations subview lists target locations lists locations to be replenished from a related source location. The Order button creates internal orders to replenish the target locations.

Pending Orders View

The Pending Orders view lists internal orders or purchase orders that have been placed to replenish a location. The records in this view, generated by the Replenishment Engine, are read-only.

For a discussion of replenishment, see Replenishment Engine.

Vendors View

The Vendors view records vendors who may supply products for a selected inventory location. For replenishing a location from an outside source, vendors must be specified.

Relationships View

The Relationships view records the relationships of a selected inventory location with other inventory locations. If a business uses more than one inventory location, relationships among inventory locations are useful for automating inventory replenishment and order fulfillment. A relationship may be physical, hierarchical (for example, a shelf belongs to an aisle), or logistical (for example, Fulfills or Replenishes).

Cycle Counts View

The Cycle Counts view sets specifications that the Cycle Counting Engine uses to automatically generate the cycle count lists. To reach this view, choose Cycle Counts from the visibility filter.

The Inventory Locations view is the same as previously described, with the addition of a Generate Counts button and a Generate Counts (All Locations) command. For more information, see Inventory Locations View. Table 116 describes commands and buttons in the Inventory Locations view for Cycle Count records.

Table 116. Selected Items in the Inventory Locations View for Cycle Counts

Generate Counts

This button produces a list of products to count for the selected inventory location. The list appears in the Parts List view. For more information, see Part List View.

Generate Counts (All Locations)

This command produces a list of products to count for all inventory location. The list appears in the Parts List view. For more information, see Part List View.

More Info Subview

The Cycle Counts view has a More Info subview containing the following items specific to cycle counting (Table 117). These fields are read-only.

Table 117. Selected Items in the More Info Subview for Cycle Counts

ABC Class

The classification of product, A, B, or C, that indicates its value. Class A has the greatest value.


The actual end date for a cycle count.


The date for the actual start of a cycle count.


The status of a cycle count; for example, Assigned, Closed, or Open.

XYZ Class

The classification of product, X, Y, or Z, that indicates its turnover rate. Class X has the greatest turnover rate.

Cycle Counts Subview

The Cycle Counts subview contains read-only records that are derived from the data recorded in the Cycle Counts view. For more information, see Cycle Counts View. Table 118 describes fields in the Cycle Counts subview.

Table 118. Fields in the Cycle Counts Subview

Assigned To

The employee assigned to carry out this cycle count.


The date on which the counts of products specified in the Parts List view should be completed. For more information, see Part List View.


The date the cycle count period ends, which is inherited from the Cycle Counts screen.

Inventory Location

The name of the inventory location for this cycle count.


The date the cycle count period starts.


The status of a cycle count; for example, Assigned, Closed, or Open.

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