Siebel Field Service Guide > Fulfillment > Administration - Product Screen >

Product Service Details View

The Product Service Details view provides the information used in locating and allocating products for use in field service activities.

NOTE:  To navigate to the Product Service Details view, use the link bar on the More Info tab.

This view has two subviews, Inventory Options and Substitute Products. For more information, see Inventory Options Subview and Substitute Products Subview.

Table 84 describes items in Product Service Details records.

Table 84. Selected Items in the Product Service Details View

Allocate Below Safety

A check box that indicates the Fulfillment and Part Locator Engines can allocate this part when its level in inventory is below the safety level. For more information, see Product Inventory View. This check box also appears in the Products view. For more information, see Products View.

Auto Allocate

A check box that indicates the Fulfillment and Part Locator Engines can allocate this part. If this box is not selected, the engines do not allocate this product. This check box also appears in the Products view. For more information, see Products View.

Field Replaceable

A check box that indicates this item may be replaced at the customer site. This is informational and has no effect on other fields or functions.

Lead Time

The vendor's response time in minutes.


Mean time between failures; a measure of dependability of the product.


Mean time to repair; a measure of the time required to repair the product.

Return Defective

A check box that indicates this item, if defective, should be returned to the service center. This is informational only.


The current version of the product, which is copied to new asset records.


A check box that indicates this product is serialized. Serialized products are treated in a different way. Whenever a serialized product is shipped or received, the application expects the right number of assets with serial numbers.

Ship carrier

The default carrier for the selected product; for example, UPS or FedEx.

Ship Via

The default mode of transportation; for example, Air, Ground, or Sea.


The status of a product (for example, production, obsolete, or prototype), which is copied to new asset records.


A check box that indicates this item is a tool used in service procedures. This is informational and has no effect on other fields or functions.

Inventory Options Subview

The Inventory Options subview sets the inventory locations for a product and determines how the Fulfillment Engine allocates a product from inventory or chooses a substitute when filling an order. It also sets the cycle counting default parameters for each product in inventory. For more information, see Cycle Counting and Replenishment. Table 85 describes items in Inventory Options records.

Table 85. Selected Items in the Inventory Options Subview

Auto Allocate

When this field is set to Yes, the Fulfillment Engine can automatically allocate a product from this location. When set to Default, the engine uses the Auto Allocate setting for the product at all inventory locations, which is set in the Product view. This setting does not affect replenishment.

Allocate Below Safety

When this field is set to Yes, the Fulfillment Engine can automatically allocate a product from this location when the quantity falls below the safe level. When set to Default, the engine uses the Allocate Below Safety setting for the product at all inventory locations, set in the Product view. This setting does not affect replenishment.

Auto Substitute

When this field is set to Yes, the Fulfillment Engine can automatically substitute a product. When set to Default, the engine uses the Allocate Below Safety setting for the product at all inventory locations, set in the Product view. This setting does not affect replenishment.

Substitute Products Subview

The Substitute Products subview specifies the products that the Fulfillment Engine may use to fill an order when the specified product is unavailable from inventory. The user chooses from products that are specified in the Products view.For more information, see Products View. The Fulfillment Engine can choose this product if the Auto Substitute flag is selected.

NOTE:  Substitutions are unidirectional. Product A may substitute for product B, but B cannot substitute for A unless that substitution is explicitly defined.

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