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Freezing Columns in a List

Lists can contain many columns. You may find that you want to scroll to the right and view columns you cannot see without losing focus of the left-most columns. You can do this by freezing the desired left-most columns. An example of a list with frozen columns is shown in Figure 38.

Figure 38. Example of Columns Frozen in a List

To freeze columns in a list

  1. Select the list in which you want to freeze columns.
  2. Double-click the column header of the right-most column you want to freeze.

    The frozen column headers now appear with a darker gray background. In addition, a dark gray vertical line appears separating the frozen columns from the unfrozen columns.

  3. Scroll to the right to view columns without losing focus of the frozen columns on the left.

To unfreeze columns

  • Double-click the header of the right-most frozen column.

    This is the same column you double-clicked to freeze the columns.

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