Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide for Handheld > Installation and Configuration of Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging > Process of Installing Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging >

Configuring Data Message Timeout Parameters for Store-and-Forward Messaging

To make sure server outbound data messages are delivered in a timely manner, Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging allows you to specify the following message timeout parameters:

  • Message Available Notification. If a mobile device is not connected to a server and the server has outbound messages for delivery to the device, the server can send a SMS message. This parameter determines the maximum number of seconds the server will wait for a client to retrieve an available message before the server sends an SMS message to notify the mobile user to manually connect the device to the server.

    SMS stands for "Short Message Service," and is the common medium for short messages sent to phones and other mobile devices. This medium is available whether or not the device has a network connection. Consequently, the system can use it to wake up the device and have it connect automatically to get new data content.

    For more information about message types, see About Message Types.

    NOTE:  The SMQ Outbound Activity to One Recipient workflow includes an optional SMS notification step that is activated if the recipient mobile device does not receive an outbound message within the Message Available Notification timeout time. For more information about the SMQ Outbound Activity to One Recipient workflow, see SMQ Outbound Activity to one recipient.

  • Message Delivery Timeout. This parameter determines the amount of time, in seconds, allowed for a given outbound data message to be delivered before it is timed out.

    You configure the Message Delivery Timeout Parameter to indicate the timeout period of each message object. The default value is zero, so you must change this value in order to provide a timeout period for your dispatched messages.

    The timeout length can be field-value dependent, for example, different activity messages can have different timeouts based on the value entered into the activity priority field. A message is removed from the user's server outbound queue if it is not delivered within the defined time period. Also, the related activity record's status is changed to Dispatch Failed when the system is unable to successfully transmit the message to a device.

  • Message Acceptance Timeout. This parameter determines the amount of time, in seconds, within which a server outbound data message needs to be accepted or declined by the mobile user. This is an application-level parameter and can be used in a customized workflow or business process to define proper actions. The timeout length can be field-value dependent. For example, by setting values for activities, you can determine the amount of time, within which a service technician needs to tap Accept or Decline after a dispatched activity, received through Store-and-Forward Messaging, reaches his or her device.

    NOTE:  This parameter is currently not deployed by default in the Service Handheld application.

  • Start to Send. This parameter determines a time window, in seconds, within which a newly created data message may be sent to a Siebel Handheld application application. This is an application-level parameter. You can only associate this parameter with a time-based field, such as the Planned Start field for an activity. The value you set up for this parameter defines the delay of an outbound data message. For example, if the parameter is set to 36 hours, and if its associated field is Planned Start for an activity, then an outbound data message for a new activity will be sent to a handheld device when the activity's Planned Start time is within 36 hours of the current time. If the current time is already within the Start to Send window, then the message will be sent immediately.

    Start to Send is deployed in the SMQ Outbound Activity to One Recipient workflow. For more information about this workflow, see SMQ Outbound Activity to one recipient.

The values set for all message timeout parameters are in seconds.

To set up outbound data message timeout parameters

  1. Navigate to Administration—Store-and-Forward > Store-and-Forward Message Timeout.
  2. In the Store-and-Forward Applications screen, select the Store-and-Forward Messaging application.

    For example, Siebel Service for CE.

  3. In the Message Timeout view, select the desired message object.

    For example, ActionSHCE, which is the data message object defined for the Action business object.

  4. In the Store-and-Forward Timeout Administration sub-view, you can set up a timeout parameter and its timeout values by doing one or more of the following:
    • Set the same Timeout value for every field and every field value of the triggering business record; for example, 600 seconds.

      To set a timeout value for all fields and field values, go to Step 5.

    • Set Timeout values for values of a specific field of the triggering business record; for example, 600 seconds for a priority 1 Activity and 1200 seconds for a priority 2 Activity.

      To set timeout values for selections in one field's list of values, go to Step 6.

  5. To set up a timeout value for all fields and field values, in the Store-and-Forward Timeout Administration sub-view, create a new record with values as shown in the following table.


    Select a timeout parameter.

    Default Time

    Specify the desired time frame; for example, 600. The value is in seconds. The default time value you set applies to all values of all fields.

  6. To set up a timeout value for selections in a field's list of values, do the following:
    1. In the Store-and-Forward Timeout Administration sub-view, create a new record with values as shown in the following table


      Select a timeout parameter.


      Select a field; for example, Priority.

      Default Time

      Specify the desired time frame; for example, 600. The value is in seconds. The default time value you set applies to all values of the specified field.

    2. In the Field Values and Time Out subview, create a record for each field value that will need its own timeout specification.

      For example, you can vary the timeout values for activity records based on the Priority field, as shown in the following table.



      1 - ASAP



      2 - Important


      NOTE:  These timeout specifications override the Default Time you entered in Step a. The Default Time will apply to all field values for which you do not set timeout specifications here.

Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide for Handheld Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.