Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Fleet Management > Administering Siebel Orders for Fleet Management > About Administering Upselling for Fleet Management >

Adding Targeted Lanes

The marketing department of the transportation provider defines the targeted lanes; that is, the lanes where the company wants to focus on selling transportation.

A lane is a route between an origin and a destination using a given line of business. For example:

  • Truck transportation from Chicago to New York is a lane.
  • Rail transportation from Chicago to New York is a different lane.

Instead of cities, regions can be used as the origin and destinations of lanes. For example, if a transportation provider targets the lane representing truck deliveries from Berlin to Paris, it might also want this lane to include deliveries from the suburbs of Berlin and to the suburbs of Paris . To include the suburbs, it defines the regions, based on the postal codes, or on city and state names. Regions are defined in external applications, which must be integrated with the Siebel application.

You can define targeted lanes in an external application that is integrated with the Siebel application, or you can define targeted lanes in the Siebel application, as described in the following procedure.

To define targeted lanes

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Fleet Management screen, then the Targeted Lanes view.
  2. Display all fields:
    1. From the Targeted Lanes menu, select Columns Displayed.
    2. Use the Columns Displayed dialog box to move the Effective Start Date, Effective End Date, and Active fields from the Available Columns list to the Selected Columns list.
    3. Click Save.
  3. Add new records to the Targeted Lanes list, and complete the necessary fields, described in the following table.

    Origin City, Origin State

    If you are using a city as the origin, enter the name of the city and state.

    Destination City, Destination State

    If you are using a city as the destination, enter the name of the city and state.

    Origin Pricing Region

    If you are using a region as the origin, enter the name of the region.

    Destination Pricing Region

    If you are using a region as the destination, enter the name of the region.


    Select the line of business for this lane. For example, lines of business might be truck, rail, or intermodal.

    Effective Start Date

    Enter the date when the designation of this lane as a targeted lane first becomes effective.

    Effective End Date

    Enter the date when the designation of this lane as a targeted lane is no longer effective.


    Select this checkbox to activate the designation of this lane as a targeted lane.

    For the lane to be used as a targeted lane, the Active checkbox must be selected, the current date must be after the Effective Start Date, and the current date must be before the Effective End Date if one exists.

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