Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide > Variable Maps >

Components of Variable Maps

See Figure 6 for a graphical representation of the interaction of variable map components. The way the variable map mechanism works follows the following process:

  1. An administrator defines a variable map using the Variable Maps views. This definition is stored in the Siebel database.
  2. A user of a Siebel order management application makes a request (for example, by clicking the Reprice button). The request triggers a signal, which in turn launches a controller workflow.
  3. The controller workflow invokes the Context Service business service's GetRowSetData method, passing the variable map name for the line item row set, as well as the required CPScope (such as the entire customizable product [CP]) and the required RowScope (such as the currently selected rows).
  4. The Context Service business service retrieves the variable map definition (either from the database or from the cache).
  5. The Context Service business service issues the required queries and business service calls to construct a property set.

    For source type Instance, the path specified for the variable is translated into a query against the active business component using one of the ISS mapping integration objects. For more information, see About Using ISS Integration Objects with the Variable Map Mechanism.

  6. The Context Service business service returns the resultant row set property set to the controller workflow.
  7. The controller workflow invokes a PSP procedure to update the row set (for example, to attach prices).
  8. The controller workflow invokes the Context Service business service's SyncRowSetData method passing the variable map name for the line item row set and the updated row set property set.
  9. The Context Service business service writes any updated field values back to the Siebel database.

Figure 6 shows how, in the process described above, the various components of the variable maps mechanism interact.

Figure 6. Components of the Variable Map Mechanism
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