Siebel Portal Framework Guide > Integrating External Content > Portal Agent Administration >

Configuring Multiple Symbolic URLs and Hosts for Alternative Execution Locations

You can configure multiple symbolic URLs and symbolic URL hosts, to execute applications in alternative locations (for example, for testing or demonstration purposes). The following topics describe how to do this:

NOTE:  When you use an alternative symbolic URL host, all symbolic URLs in the application that are configured to use that host will use the alternative host name. In contrast, when you use alternative symbolic URLs, each symbolic URL used in the application must have its own alternative symbolic URL. Therefore, you can reduce the effort required to execute the application in an alternative location by using an alternative symbolic URL host rather than a symbolic URL.

Configuring Alternative Symbolic URLs

To use an alternative symbolic URL, define the additional symbolic URL at the Symbolic URL Administration view, and specify the following parameter in the [DataSources] section of the application's configuration file:

  • SymbolicURLSuffix—The value of this parameter is appended to the end of the name of the default symbolic URL to specify the name of the alternative symbolic URL.

For example, if the parameter SymbolicURLSuffix is set to _MyDemo in the application's configuration file, and the default symbolic URL name is AccountNews, then the symbolic URL that is used when the application is executed is AccountNews_MyDemo. The URL value associated with the AccountNews_MyDemo symbolic URL in the Symbolic URL Administration page is used.

NOTE:  When you define the alternative symbolic URL, its name must match the name of the existing symbolic URL with the value of the SymbolicURLSuffix parameter appended to it.

For more information on defining symbolic URLs, see Defining Symbolic URLs.

Configuring Alternative Symbolic URL Hosts

To use an alternative symbolic URL host, define the additional symbolic URL host at the Host Administration view, and specify the following parameter in the [DataSources] section of the application's configuration file:

  • SymbolicURLHostSuffix—This value is appended to the end of the name of the existing symbolic URL host to specify the name of the alternative symbolic URL host.

For example, if the parameter SymbolicURLHostSuffix = _demo is specified in the application's configuration file, and the existing host name is ABC, then the new host name is ABC_demo. The host name value associated with ABC_demo in the Host Administration page is used.

NOTE:  When you define the alternative symbolic URL host, its name must match the name of the existing symbolic URL host with the value of the SymbolicURLHostSuffix parameter appended to it.

For more information on defining hosts, see Defining the External Host.

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