Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Reference Materials for Siebel Remote > Server Component Parameters >

Parameters of the Replication Agent Server Component

Table 54 describes the parameters of the Replication Agent server component.

Table 54. Parameters of the Replication Agent Server Component

HQ Application Server Communications parameters



The colon separated list of communications parameters that Siebel Remote uses to connect to the parent Siebel Server.

Siebel Remote does not use this parameter.

HQ Application Server Name



The Dock Connect String of the parent Siebel Server. For more information, see Setting the HQ Application Server Name Parameter.




Specifies the number of times that the Replication Agent server component connects to the parent node.

You usually set this parameter to zero (0) which instructs the Replication Agent to loop forever or until the server administrator stops it.

If you set the Iterations parameter to 1 and then start Replication Agent, then a single synchronization occurs.

The default value is 0.

Maximum transactions per commit



Specifies the number of transactions that Siebel Remote applies before it commits these transactions to the server database.

The default value is 100.

Maximum writes per file



Limits the size of a DX file. Breaks the DX files that Siebel Remote sends to the parent Siebel Server into smaller, more manageable files.

Replication Manager closes the existing DX file and then starts writing to a new DX file when the current DX file reaches the maximum number of operations that you specify in the Maximum Writes Per File parameter.

The default value is 10000.

Receive files



You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Replication Manager receives the file attachments that the parent Siebel Server sends to the Siebel Server of the regional node.
  • FALSE. Replication Manager does not receive the file attachments that the parent Siebel Server sends to the Siebel Server of the regional node.

The default value is TRUE.

Receive transactions



You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Replication Manager receives the DX files that the parent Siebel Server sends to the Siebel Server of the regional node.
  • FALSE. Replication Manager does not receive the DX files that the parent Siebel Server sends to the Siebel Server of the regional node.

The default value is TRUE.

Send transactions



You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Replication Manager sends DX files from the Siebel Server on the regional node to the parent Siebel Server.
  • FALSE. Replication Manager does not send DX files from the Siebel Server on the regional node to the parent Siebel Server.

The default value is TRUE.

Sleep time



The time period, in seconds, for which Replication Agent sleeps between synchronization sessions.

The default value is 60.

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