Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Reference Materials for Siebel Remote >

Field Descriptions for Administration Screens

This topic describes fields that you can use in the administration screens that you use with Siebel Remote. It includes the following topics:

Fields in the Siebel Remote Client Status Form

Table 55 describes fields of the Siebel Remote Client Status form.

Table 55. Fields of the Siebel Remote Client Status Form

Extracted on Server


Last Sessions

Time when Siebel Remote extracted this client.


Amount of time required to extract the remote client.

File name

First file name for the extracted records.

Rows extracted

Row count of extracted records.

Snapshot (Kbytes)

Total size in kilobytes for extracted records.

# of Files in File System

Number of files in file system for this client.

File System (Kbytes)

Size of files in file system, in kilobytes.

Max Transaction

Maximum transaction ID when Siebel Remote extracted this client.

Initialized on Client


Last Session

Time when Siebel Remote initialized the local database.


Amount of time required to initialize the local database.

Free Disk (Kbytes)

Free disk space available of the local computer where you installed the remote client.

Database (Kbytes)

The size in kilobytes of the local database.

# of Files in File System

Number of files in the local file system.

File System (Kbytes)

Total size in kilobytes of files in the local file system.

Product Version

System information for the computer where the local database resides.

Current status


Last Session

Time when Siebel Remote performed the last synchronization session.


Duration of the last synchronization session.

Free Disk (Kbytes)

Free disk space available of the local computer where you installed the remote client.

Database (Kbytes)

Current size of the local database.

# of Files in File System

Number of files in the local file system.

File System (Kbytes)

Current size in kilobytes of files in the local file system.

Total Sessions

Total number of times this client has synchronized so far.

Product Version

Current system information for the remote client.

Fields in the Siebel Remote Client Diagnostics Form

Table 56 describes fields of the Siebel Remote Client Diagnostics form.

Table 56. Fields of the Siebel Remote Client Diagnostics Form


Node name.




Flag to indicate it is for current or local databases.


The time that Siebel Remote created the record.

Last updated

The time that Siebel Remote last updated the record.

Last file

The last file number that Siebel Remote processed for the node.

Last transaction id

The last transaction number that Siebel Remote processed for the node.

Last trxn duration (sec)

The time required to process transaction in the latest session.

Total duration (sec)

Total time required to process transaction for the node.

Last trxn size (bytes)

Size of transactions processed for the node during last session.

Total (bytes)

Total size of transactions processed for the node.

Last trxn operations

Number of operations processed for the node during last session.

Total operations

Total number of operations processed for the node.

Last transactions

Number of transactions processed for the node during last session.

Total transactions

Total number of transactions processed for the node.

Total attachment (bytes)

Total size of file attachments processed for the node.

Total attachments

Total number of file attachments.

Last attachment (bytes)

Size of file attachments for the node during the last session.

Last attachments

Number of file attachments for the node during the last session.

Additional information

More detailed information about the node.

Fields in the Synchronization Sessions List

Table 57 describes fields in the Synchronization Sessions list.

Table 57. Fields in the Synchronization Sessions List

Synchronization Starts

Date and time when Siebel Remote started the synchronization session.

Synchronization Ends

Date and time when the synchronization session ended. If the synchronization session did not complete successfully, then this field is empty.


The number of transactions that Siebel Remote synchronized to the user during the session.

Transaction Size (MB)

The total size in MB of the transactions that Siebel Remote synchronized to the user during the session.

Client Merge Duration (Min)

The amount of time in minutes required to merge transactions on client.

Fields in the Siebel Remote Upload Statistics Form

Table 58 describes fields in the Siebel Remote Upload Statistics form.

Table 58. Fields in the Siebel Remote Upload Statistics Form

Last Session

Duration of the last synchronization session.

Last File

Last transaction file that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server.

Last Transaction

Last transaction that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server.

Transaction Count - Last

Number of transactions that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server during the last synchronization session.

Transaction Count - Total

Total transactions that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server since the last database extract.

Operation Count - Last

Number of operations that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server during the last synchronization session.

Operation Count - Total

Total number of operations that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server since the last database extract.

KBytes - Last

Size of transactions that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server during the last synchronization session, in kilobytes.

KBytes - Total

Size of transactions that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server since the last database extract, in kilobytes.

Duration (Seconds) - Last

Duration of last synchronization session that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server, in seconds.

Duration (Seconds) - Total

Total duration of all synchronization sessions since the last database extract, in seconds.

Attachment Files - Last

Number of file attachments that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server during the last synchronization.

Attachment Files - Total

Number of file attachments that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server since the last database extract.

Attachment Size (KBytes) - Last

Size of file attachments that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server during the last synchronization session, in kilobytes.

Attachment Size (KBytes) - Total

Size of files that Siebel Remote created on the remote client, received on the Siebel Server, or applied on the Siebel Server since the last database extract, in kilobytes.

Fields in the Siebel Remote Download Statistics Form

Table 59 describes fields in the Siebel Remote Download Statistics form.

Table 59. Fields in the Siebel Remote Download Statistics Form

Last Session

Date and time of last session that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client.

Last File

Last transaction file that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client.

Last Transaction

Last transaction that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client.

Transaction Count - Last

Number of transactions that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client during the last synchronization session.

Transaction Count - Total

Total transactions that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client since the last database extract.

Operation Count - Last

Number of operations that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client during the last synchronization session.

Operation Count - Total

Total number of operations that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client since the last database extract.

KBytes - Last

Size of transactions that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client during the last synchronization session, in kilobytes.

KBytes - Total

Size of transactions that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client since the last database extract, in kilobytes.

Duration (Seconds) - Last

Duration of last synchronization session, in seconds.

Duration (Seconds) - Total

Total duration of all synchronization sessions since the last database extract of the node, in seconds.

Attachment File Count - Last

Number of file attachments that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client during the last synchronization.

Attachment File Count - Total

Number of file attachments that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client since the last database extract of this node.

Attachment Size (KBytes) - Last

Size of the file attachments that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client during the last synchronization session.

Attachment Size (KBytes) - Total

Size of all file attachments that Siebel Remote created on the Siebel Server, received on the remote client, or applied on the remote client since the last database extract of this node.

Operation Types for the Operation Field of the Transaction Log List

Table 60 describes operation types for the Operation Field of the Transaction Log list.

Table 60. Operation Types for the Operation Field of the Transaction Log List
Operation Type


Data Definition Language (DDL) statement. Indicates a database schema update.


Delete a dock object instance. A data merge deletes all member table rows only for a server to client operation.


Delete a record as a result of deleting a dock object instance for a server to client only.


Delete single row.


Delete multiple rows.


Delete cascading rows.


Merge multiple rows.


Insert a record as a result of downloading a dock object instance only for a server to client operation.


Insert single row.


Contain transactions in an external file.


Marker transaction to indicate the start of client-side transaction.


Update to the record of a child table that might cause conflict.


Marker transaction to stop processing a user and then continue.


Compensation operation for client-side merge (CSM) or cascade delete transaction that the W operation performs. The purpose of the compensation operation is to remove any orphan child records that exist in the server database that resulted from a remote client-side merge or cascade delete on the client database.


Operation to update conflict ID.


Simple Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement that uses pass through.


Delete records of a child table that match the foreign key value. This operation is a compensation operation that Siebel Remote creates as the result of client-side merge (CSM) or a cascade delete transaction that the W operation performs. The purpose of the Q operation is to clean up any orphan child records that exist in the Siebel Server as a result of CSM or cascade delete in the remote client.


Update the foreign key column of child table records.


Shadow operation.


Delete records of a child table that might cause conflict.


Update a single row.


Update multiple rows.


Compacted operation of cascade or client-side merge.


Insert set-based rows.


Update set-based rows.


Delete set-based rows.

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