Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Reference Materials for Siebel Remote >

Standardized Administrative Reports

Table 61 describes the standardized administrative status reports. The View column describes the view from which you can start the report. For more information, see Implementing Replication Manager.

Table 61. Standardized Administrative Status Reports for Siebel Remote and Replication Manager
Name of Report

Active Mobile Users Usage Graph

Synchronization Sessions

Displays information for server nodes that contain users. This report takes the start date as a parameter from the user and then creates the following details for each day that occurs between the start date and the current date, in the form of a graph:

  • The x-axis includes the days in the specified range of dates.
  • The bar graph displays the number of cumulative units for the day.
  • The line graph displays the number of unique synchronizations for each day. The number of unique synchronizations indicates the number of users that synchronized for each day.

Active Mobile Users Usage Table

Synchronization Sessions

Displays information for server nodes that contain users. This report takes the start date as a parameter from the user and then creates the following details for each day that occurs between the start date and the current date in the form of a table:

  • The date column displays the days in the specified range of dates.
  • The daily initialization column displays the number of initializations for each day.
  • The cumulative initializations column displays the number of cumulative initializations for each day.
  • The daily unique synchronizations column displays the number of users that synchronized for each day.

Mobile User Summary Report

Client Status

This report displays the following information for server nodes that contain users:

  • Date and time of last extraction
  • DB Extract Size (MB)
  • DB Extract Rows
  • Local DB Size (MB)
  • Date and time of last initialization
  • Date and time of last synchronization:
    • Number of transactions
    • Size of transactions in MB
    • Duration of session
    • Duration of last merge on client
  • DX files last routed from the Siebel Server
  • DX files last routed to the Siebel Server
  • DX files that this user received and merged in the Siebel Server
  • DX files received and merged in the local database for this user

This report also indicates if the user is active. If the user is not active, then displays the last accessed date and the name of the Routing Model that is associated with the user.

Regional Node Status Report

Client Status

Displays information for server nodes that contain subordinate regional nodes, including the following information about the regional node:

  • Date and time of last extraction
  • Date and time of last initialization
  • Date and time of last synchronization
  • DX files last routed to the node from the parent server
  • DX files last routed from the regional node to the parent server
  • DX files received and merged to the parent server
  • DX files received and merged to the regional database

The report also indicates if the regional node is currently active or end dated and the routing group of the regional node.

Synchronization Frequency Report

Synchronization Sessions

Displays the frequency of synchronization by every user for a given period of time. Each line of the report includes the following information:

  • Mobile User ID
  • App Server Name
  • The number of times the user synchronized in a given period

Synchronization Session Report

Synchronization Sessions

Displays information about synchronization sessions of every user for a given period of time. The report provides user information and details of the synchronization sessions of the user.

Transaction Backlog Status Report

Transaction Log

Displays information about transactions that are pending in the queue from active users and regional nodes. It starts with the most recent transaction that Siebel Remote created on the headquarters node at the time you run the report. Fields in this report include the name of the remote client and the number of pending transactions.

Transaction Processor Status Report

Processor Status

Displays the status of active and inactive Transaction Processor entries that exist in the current Siebel Server. This report includes the following information:

  • Date and time of last run
  • Duration of last run
  • Number of transactions and operations copied
  • Last DX file that Siebel Remote created and removed from the docking\txnproc directory on the corresponding Siebel Server

Transaction Router Backlog Report

Transaction Log

Displays the following information:

  • The number of transactions that Siebel Remote could potentially route to the active users or regional nodes. Siebel Remote calculates this number with respect to the most recent transaction that it created on the headquarters node at the time you run the report.
  • The latency of the active users and regional nodes with respect to the time that you run the report. This report displays the following information for backlog and latency:
    • Total
    • Average
    • Maximum
    • Minimum

Latency is the time difference between the time when Siebel Remote routed the last transaction to the user or regional node and the time when you run the report.

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