Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Configuring the Remote Client > Process of Configuring Encryption and Authentication for the Remote Client >

Configuring Encryption for the Local Database Password

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Encryption and Authentication for the Remote Client.

To add a layer of security, encryption removes the relationship that exists between the password that Siebel Remote stores in the local database and the unencrypted password that the user enters. You can configure RSA SHA-1 encryption, which is a one way hashing algorithm. Siebel Remote applies this algorithm to the local database password before it passes this password to the local database for authentication. To encrypt the local database password, Siebel Remote uses the security adapter on the remote client. Encryption of the local database password requires configuration on the Siebel Server and on the remote client.

To configure encryption for the local database password

  1. Make sure synchronization is configured for encryption.

    For more information, see Process of Configuring Encryption and Authentication for the Remote Client.

  2. Make sure the parameters in the Siebel application CFG file on the remote client contain the values that Siebel Remote requires to encrypt the local database password.

    For more information, see CFG File Parameters That Are Required to Encrypt the Local Database Password.

  3. When you extract the server database, make sure you set the following parameter correctly:

    Encrypt client Db password

    For more information, see Setting Encryption on the Local Database Password.

CFG File Parameters That Are Required to Encrypt the Local Database Password

Table 9 describes the parameters and their values that you must set to encrypt the local database password. Although a Siebel application comes predefined with most of these values already set, it is strongly recommended that you confirm them. For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File and Setting Encryption on the Local Database Password.

Table 9. CFG File Parameters That Are Required to Encrypt the Local Database Password
Parameter and Value


SecAdptName = DBSecAdpt

DBSecAdpt is the default name for the section in the CFG file that defines the security adapter.

SecAdptMode = DB

DB (database authentication mode) is the only supported authentication mode for local database authentication.


SecAdptDllName = sscfsadb

The dll name for the default security adapter. This is a default setting and applies in Windows and UNIX environments.

DataSourceName = Local

This security adapter section applies to the Local data source section in this CFG file.

DBSecAdpt_PropagateChange = TRUE

TRUE allows the user to change the local database password.


DSHashUserPwd = TRUE

Encrypt the local database password in the Local data source. If you configure the Siebel Server to enable local database password encryption, then the Upgrade Wizard makes this setting when it initializes the local database.

DSHashAlgorithm = RSASHA1

Use RSA SHA-1 encryption. If you configure the Siebel Server to enable local database password encryption, then the Upgrade Wizard makes this setting when it initializes the local database.

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