Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Configuring the Siebel Server > Process of Configuring System Preferences for the Siebel Server >

Process of Completing the Remote System Preferences Form

This task is a step in Process of Configuring System Preferences for the Siebel Server.

To complete the Remote System Preferences form, you do the following:

  1. Setting Password and Lockout Preferences
  2. Setting Preferences for Visibility, Logging, Timestamps, and Conflict Resolution
  3. Setting Preferences for Update Notifications, Visibility Rules, and Routing Rules
  4. Setting Preferences for File Attachments and Saving Your Preferences

Setting Password and Lockout Preferences

This task is a step in Process of Completing the Remote System Preferences Form.

You set system preferences on the Remote System Preferences form. You begin by setting password and lockout preferences.

To set password and lockout preferences

  1. On the Siebel Server, navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Remote System Preferences view.
  2. (Optional). Enable the password of the user to expire:
    1. Make sure the Enable Mobile Password Expiration check box contains a check mark.
    2. In the Expiration Period field, specify the number of days in which each user can continue to use the same password.

      The Expiration Period applies only if the Enable Mobile Password Expiration check box contains a check mark.

    3. In the Warning Period field, specify the number of days in which to display a warning to the user before the user password expires.

      The user receives a warning before the password expires. The value you enter in the Warning Period field determines the lead time between the warning and the expiration. If the user changes a password, then the expiration period starts again. The warning period applies only if the Enable Mobile Password Expiration check box contains a check mark.

      To allow the user to use the password indefinitely, do not place a check mark in the Enable Mobile Password Expiration check box.

  3. (Optional). Configure the Siebel Server to validate the password format:
    1. Make sure the Enable Mobile Password Syntax Check check box contains a check mark.
    2. In the Minimum Number of Characters field, specify the minimum number of characters that the password must contain for each user account that resides on the remote client.

      The Minimum Number of Characters field applies only if the Enable Mobile Password Syntax Check check box contains a check mark.

    3. In the Password Content field, specify the type of characters that the password must include. Use a value from the following table.


      The password must contain at least one alphabetic character and one numeric character.

      Alphanumeric Special Character

      The password must contain at least one alphabetic character, one numeric character, and one valid special character. The Description column for the Special Characters value in this table lists these characters.


      The password is not required to have any specific character types.

      Special Characters

      The password must contain at least one special character. For more information, see Special Characters.

      The Password Content field applies only if the Enable Mobile Password Syntax Check check box contains a check mark.

    4. In the Password Recycle History field, specify the number of past passwords that Siebel CRM examines for repetition for each user.

      A user cannot reuse any of the last n passwords, where n is the value you enter in the Password Recycle History field. The Password Recycle History field applies only if the Enable Mobile Password Syntax Check check box contains a check mark.

  4. (Optional). Set a limit for login attempts.
    1. Make sure the Enable Mobile Web Client Lockout check box contains a check mark.
    2. In the Failed Login Attempts field, specify the number of consecutive unsuccessful user login attempts that Siebel CRM counts.

      If the count reaches the value you specify, then the remote client prevents the user from logging in for the number of days that you specify in the Lockout Period field. The Failed Login Attempts field applies only if the Enable Mobile Web Client Lockout check box contains a check mark.

    3. In the Lockout Period field, specify the number of days that the user cannot log in after the user exceeds the value that you specify in the Failed Login Attempts field.

      The Lockout Period field applies only if the Enable Mobile Web Client Lockout check box contains a check mark.

Special Characters

The following items are special characters:

  • * (asterisk)
  • @ (at sign)
  • ^ (caret)
  • : (colon)
  • , (comma)
  • - (dash)
  • $ (dollar sign)
  • = (equal sign)
  • ! (exclamation point)
  • > (greater than symbol)
  • ( (left parenthesis)
  • < (less than symbol)
  • # (number sign)
  • % (percent sign)
  • . (period)
  • + (plus sign)
  • ) (right parenthesis)
  • ? (question mark)
  • _ (underscore)

Setting Preferences for Visibility, Logging, Timestamps, and Conflict Resolution

This task is a step in Process of Completing the Remote System Preferences Form.

To set preferences for visibility, logging, timestamps, and conflict resolution

  1. In the Remote System Preferences form, place a check mark next to the Optimized Visibility Check check box.

    For more information, see Configuring System Preferences for Transaction Logging.

  2. Make sure the Enable Transaction Logging field is set appropriately to enable transaction logging.

    To use Siebel Remote, you must enable transaction logging. For more information, see Configuring System Preferences for Transaction Logging.

  3. In the Docking Timestamp Source field, specify the source for the timestamp.

    For more information, see Configuring System Preferences for Timestamps.

  4. In the System Conflict Resolution field, specify how Siebel Remote resolves conflicting database updates. Use a value from Table 6.

    CAUTION:  For important caution information about setting system conflict resolution, see Caution About Extracting the Server Database.

    For more information, see Update Conflict.

  5. In the Intersection Table Conflict Resolution field and in the Intersection Table Merge Rule field, specify how to handle a record that is involved in an insert conflict.

    For more information, see Configuring System Preferences for Resolving Conflicts.

How Optimized Visibility Can Improve Performance

If the Optimized Visibility Check check box contains a check mark, then the Transaction Router server component uses a predefined algorithm to examine visibility. To reduce the number of visibility rules that Siebel Remote examines, this algorithm uses information that an individual transaction carries. The algorithm reduces the number of database queries that the Transaction Router requires and improves performance. It is recommended that you use this algorithm in most situations.

Setting Preferences for Update Notifications, Visibility Rules, and Routing Rules

This task is a step in Process of Completing the Remote System Preferences Form.

To set preferences for update notifications, visibility rules, and routing rules

  1. In the Merger Friendly Notification field, specify how Siebel Remote writes information about database updates to the Siebel Remote Status view on the remote client. Use a value from the following table.


    Siebel Remote writes information about database updates that caused conflicts.


    Siebel Remote does not write information about database updates.


    Siebel Remote writes information about database updates.

  2. In the Merger Transactions per Commit field, specify how many database transactions the Transaction Merger server component processes before it sends a database commit:
    • To reduce the frequency with which a user encounters a locked database row, and to reduce the risk of deadlock, you can set a low value, such as 1.
    • To minimize processing overhead, you can set a high value, such as 10.

      For default values and recommended settings for various databases, see Values for System Preferences.

  3. Specify how to handle visibility and routing rules:
    1. In the Visibility Rules per Statement field, specify the number of visibility or routing rules that the Transaction Router server component for each SQL statement examines.
    2. In the Visibility Rules per Statement 1 field, specify the number of visibility or routing rules according to the following items:
      • Examine each SQL statement that the Database Extract server component processes.
      • Examine only the first SQL statement that includes header information.
    3. In the Visibility Rules per Statement N field, specify the number of visibility or routing rules that Siebel Remote examines for each SQL statement that the Database Extract server component processes for other SQL statements.

      Do not change these values without assistance. For help with visibility and routing rules, see Getting Help from Oracle.

      For more information, see Controlling the Data That Siebel Remote Routes to Clients and Values for System Preferences.

Setting Preferences for File Attachments and Saving Your Preferences

This task is a step in Process of Completing the Remote System Preferences Form.

To set preferences for file attachments and save your preferences

  1. In the SFM: Maximum File Attachment (KB) field, specify the maximum size in kilobytes that a file attachment can contain when using Store and Forward Messaging.

    If an attachment exceeds the value you enter, then Siebel Remote transfers the attachment. For more information, see Automatic Synchronization with Store and Forward Messaging and Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide for Mobile Web Client.

  2. To save your preferences, click Save.
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