Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Reports Development Environment > Actuate Report Data Definitions >

Data Supply ROL Files

ROL files contain reusable components that can be subclassed into design files in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional. For example, a report design subclasses design elements such as label, text, and frame controls from sscustom.rol, as described in Customizing Global Reports. The incorporation of a data supply library file into the corresponding design file is a special application of this subclassing methodology. A report design subclasses the datastream component from the corresponding data supply ROL file.

The datastream component contains methods for accessing the necessary report data from the correct business object through the Siebel object interface. One or more data row components are defined for use by the datastream, each specifying the list of fields for a business component whose records are to be retrieved. The logic for the datastream component fetches and deletes instances of the data row until all records in the current query (and subqueries, if applicable) have been obtained and processed into the report.

Opening a Standard Siebel Report

In some cases, upon opening a standard Siebel report file, it may be necessary to configure the ROD file to reference the appropriate ROL file.

To open a standard Siebel report file

  1. Open Actuate e.Report Designer Professional.
  2. From the application-level menu, choose File, and then Open.
  3. In the Select File dialog, navigate to $\Siebel\RPTSRC\ENU\STANDARD, and then open a standard Siebel report, such as aclist.rod.

    The predefined ROD file opens in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional. For more information about the enu directory, see About Language Extensions. If you cannot find the file you want to open in the $\Siebel\RPTSRC\ENU\STANDARD directory, examine other sub-directories in the Siebel directory to locate the file you seek.

    If the predefined ROD file is not configured to reference the correct ROL file, a Could not find file dialog will display. If this occurs, continue to Step 4.

  4. Click OK.

    The Include Library dialog displays.

  5. In the Include Library dialog, browse to the $\Siebel\RPTSRC\LIB directory, and then open the corresponding ROL file.

    For example, the corresponding ROL file for aclist.rod is aclist.rol.

  6. Click OK, and then click OK again to any additional dialogs that appear.

    The predefined ROD file displays in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional.

About Language Extensions

If your installation uses a non-English version of Siebel Business Applications, you do not have an \ENU folder. Instead, you have a folder in the appropriate language code for your installation, such as \DEU for Germany. For more information, see Siebel Reports Directory Structure.

When referring to the language directory, this book uses the following standard: $\Siebel\RPTSRC\[LANGUAGE]\STANDARD


LANGUAGE stands for the Language Pack you want to deploy, such as ENU for U.S. English, CHS for Chinese, or FRA for French.

Languages supported by Siebel Business Applications are identified in Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network. For more information about language extensions, see the Siebel Global Deployment Guide on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Viewing the Contents of a Datastream Component

You can view the contents of the datastream and data row components in a report design using the Method Editor and the Component Editor.

To view contents of a datastream component

  1. Open Actuate e.Report Designer Professional.

    The application opens with the default report Customers Sample Data Source.

  2. Open a standard Siebel report.

    For more information, see Opening a Standard Siebel Report.

  3. In the Report Structure window, expand the Content - [report name] tree.

    If the Report Structure window is not visible, from the application-level menu, choose View, and then the Report Structure menu item.

  4. Right-click the DataStream - [report name] tree, and then choose Properties.
  5. In the Properties window, click the Methods tab.

    For more information, see About the Actuate Properties Window.

  6. Double-click Sub Start() in the methods picklist.

    The text for the datastream's Start method appears in the Method Editor window.

  7. Examine the code for the Start method.

    Note that this code references exported fields in the business component.

  8. Double-click Sub Fetch() in the methods picklist.
  9. Examine the code for the Fetch method.

    Note that the code obtains values for exported fields.

About the Actuate Properties Window

Properties for the component currently chosen in the workspace appear in the Properties window.

Upon opening Actuate e.Report Designer Professional, the Properties window appears in the lower right corner of the workspace. If the Properties window is not visible, from the application-level menu, choose View, and then the Properties menu item.

The Properties window includes several tabs, as described in the following list:

  • Properties. Identifies the property setting for each property defined for the current component. Property settings can be changed in this tabbed page.
  • Methods. Lists the Actuate BASIC methods defined for the component.
  • Variables. Lists the variables defined for the component.
  • Class. Identifies the class name and superclass of the component, and the module where it resides (usually either the report design file or an included library).

Viewing the Contents of a Data Row Component

The data supply library file for a report is loaded into the report design file by invoking the Tools, and then the Library Organizer menu option in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional. Its datastream and data row components subclass the AcDataSource and AcDataRow components in the Actuate Foundation Class library, respectively. The methods in the data supply library file override corresponding methods in the foundation class library. The contents of these methods are generated code, produced from the list of report fields and other report object definition properties and children in Siebel Tools.

To view contents of a data row component

  1. In Actuate e.Report Designer Professional, if you have not already opened a Siebel report, open one now.

    For more information, see Opening a Standard Siebel Report.

  2. In the Report Structure window, expand the Content - [report name] tree.
  3. Right-click the DataStream - [report name] tree, and then choose Properties.
  4. In the Properties window, click the Variables tab.

    For more information about the appearance of variables in the Variables tab, see Adding a Variable.

The automatic definition of a set of variables, corresponding to the list of exported report fields, is the role of part of the generated code in the data supply library.

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