Using Siebel Tools > Siebel Script Editors >

Setting Script Assist Preferences

You set preferences for Script Assist in the Development Tools Options window.

To set Script Assist preferences

  1. From the Siebel Tools View menu, choose Options.

    The Development Tools Options window appears.

  2. Click the Scripting tab.

    The following table describes the different fields in the Script Assist Window.

    Available Options

    Enable Method Listing

    When checked, a list of declared methods and properties will appear in the Script Assist window for each selected object.

    NOTE:  For Script Assist features to be fully enabled, you must check this box.

    Enable Auto Complete

    When checked, Auto Complete is enabled.

    NOTE:  For Script Assist features to be fully enabled, you must check this box.

    Auto Indent

    When checked, each succeeding line is indented to the position set by the current line.

    Enable Favorites

    When checked, the most frequently used object, method, and property names will appear in italics at the top of the Script Assist window.

    Tab Width

    Set the tab width, in increments of spaces. The default setting is 4.

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